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Chapter 43.3 You Have Me In The Future

He thought of something and suddenly lowered his head to take a look. He quickly released Sang Yuanyuan’s hand, repeatedly apologized: “Sorry, I didn’t mean it. I just felt it hurt so much, so I pulled your hand.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Sang Yuanyuan took back her hand, turned her head away and looked at the ice wooden box in You Wuming’s hand.

“Brother-in-law will certainly be angry.” He said in a low voice, sounded a little dejected. “It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t pull Sister Guo’s hand.”

Hearing the words, Sang Yuanyuan felt a strange feeling rising in her heart. She looked down at the back of her hand and knuckles, and saw a few impressive finger marks.

“It’s only a small matter, no need to worry about it.”

She retracted her hand into her sleeve and stepped forward to check the strange thing inside the ice wooden box.

“I have never seen anything like this before.” Sang Bujin slowly shook his head, “Give it to the imperial doctor to have a look, maybe they will discover something.”

Yun Xuyang has pushed the wooden wheelchair and moved over quietly. A pale and thin hand gently grabbed Sang Yuanyuan’s sleeve. He said in a low voice and concerningly: “Then just let the imperial doctor have a look at Sister Guo too.”

After that, with a kind of understanding, the one that belongs to the understanding between people with the same secret only, he looked at her hand in her sleeve.

You Wuming’s gloomy gaze floated over.

Yun Xuyang’s was slightly panicked. He drooped his head and said: “Brother-in-law, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt Sister Guo. Please don’t blame Sister Guo. It’s all my fault. I’m not good. I shouldn’t pull Sister Guo’s hand. Blame me if you want to but just please don’t be angry with Sister Guo.”

You Wuming’s gloomy eyes fell on Sang Yuanyuan’s cuff.

Yun Xuyang said again: “It’s just a pull of hand only. Brother-in-law will not be so narrow-minded, right?”

Sang Yuanyuan pulled her sleeve out of Yun Xuyang’s hand, gently lifted the cuff and stretched out her hand to You Wuming.

“Here, it’s just a small matter like this.” She said coquettishly at him.

Not waiting for You Wuming’s anger to broke out, she walked a few steps forward and leaned in front of him. She turned her head, condescendingly looked at Yun Xuyang in the wooden wheelchair, and said slowly——

“I know that your body is weak and you are spoiled so much by the Regent Ruler. You are used to being held, surrounded, and protected by others. You are more indulgent. If you feel pain, you will grab other people subconsciously. This is excusable.”

Yun Xuyang’s face changed slightly and he opened his mouth aggrievedly.

Sang Yuanyuan didn’t give him a chance to speak, and continued: “But as a man, and whatsmore, the nominal Lord of a state, you are so greasy and insinuating just because of a small matter. What are you becoming actually?! As a man, you should be more magnificent. Learn from your sister!”

The murderous aura in You Wuming’s eyes shrank in shock. He turned his black eyes to glance at Sang Yuanyuan, and put on a very magnificent look.

Yun Xuyang abruptly whirled the wooden wheelchair around and turned his back. His thin shoulders heaved heavily.

“I just care about you. I’m only afraid Brother-in-law will be angry, so I explained a few words for you, I’m just, I’m just……”

Sang Yuanyuan said: “Just adding fuel to the fire, adding disaster upon calamity.”

Yun Xuyang suddenly turned back again. With a pair of red eyes and a hateful voice, he said: “I want to take a rest!”

Sang Yuanyuan, with one hand pulling Sang Bujin and the other hand pulling You Wuming, left Yun Xuyang’s bedroom.

Sang Bujin was unable to understand what it is all about: “Why is Little Sister so angry? Isn’t this kid apologizing to you? Why can’t you forgive him? “

“I’m not angry.” Sang Yuanyuan sighed, “I have forgiven twice but he still wants to ‘apologize’. Then, it’s not called an apology, but a provocation. He doesn’t have any big malice actually. He just subconsciously wants to make You Wuming unhappy. If you indulge him, he will certainly be insatiable in the future.”

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