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Chapter 44.5 What A Big Gift

Sang Yuanyuan thought for a moment and said, “I didn’t mean to hide it from you, but some things, I, myself, are still in the clouds and mists too. It’s too early to talk about that now. Only one point, if this matter regarding the curse of the Yun clan’s blood is really because of Dong state’s own work, I hope the Regent Ruler will regard us as allies and work together whether it is advancing or retreating. “

Yun Xuzhou lowered her head and smiled: “That is a matter of course.”

After a moment of silence, Yun Xuzhou raised her head: “When did Huangfu Du die? Why didn’t I get even the slightest wind of it? “

Sang Yuanyuan smiled triumphantly and said: “Because no one knows that he is here.”

What the Dong state used was basically the plan of substituting one thing for another. When the one hundred personal bodyguards came back to Dong state and found that there was no one in the sedan chair, it is estimated that they would be terribly dumbfounded.

The personal bodyguards and escort emissaries must have insisted that there was no accident along the way, and it was absolutely impossible for anyone to have robbed Huangfu Du under the eyes of everyone.

The traces in Snow Mist Valley had been cleaned up since long ago, leaving no flaws at all.

So in the end, the Dong state’s side will only come to one conclusion. That is, Huangfu Du didn’t get on the sedan chair from the beginning.

So, where would he be?

Sang Yuanyuan smiled faintly and looked at the exquisite wooden box on the low table.

What a big gift.


The carriage entered the little Jiang state smoothly.

The Jiang royal family in little Jiang state is actually the main branch of the Jiang clan. It was precisely the royal descendant of the little Jiang state that replaced the Yun clan in taking charge over Tiandu at that time. After the Jiang clan’s ascending in Tiandu, the Yin clan’s royal family in the southwest of Tiandu took the initiative to relinquish their territory, which is now known as the Jiang state.

However, little Jiang state, which was the ancestral land of the Jiang clan, was gradually declining due to the inconvenient transportation and being suppressed by the Huangfu’s power. The little Jiang then simply smashed the already broken pot altogether. Instead of developing its military strength, they devoted themselves to the development of agriculture, industry and commerce. Now, the little Jiang state has become the trade center of eight states in the East.

Yun Xuzhou’s group were disguised as the little Jiang’s merchants.

Beyond the boundary of little Jiang state, is precisely the home of the Huangfu clan, Dong state.

From a distance, they can already feel that the Dong state is tightly guarded and the atmosphere is heavy. The fortifications of Dong state were built with black iron. From a distance, it was as if seeing the Black Iron Great Wall.

Each and everyone of Huangfu Jun’s soldiers all have this cold and killing look with them. It can be seen at a glance that they are skillful people which have survived the sea of blood. Sang Yuanyuan was looking at it from a distance, and added a little more caution into her heart.

Huangfu Jun is a man who really stands at the top. A chance like last time, afraid there will never be another one again.

Their group followed the merchants that came and went, and lined up in a long queue that moved towards the gate.

The travelling merchants who entered the pass were being checked very carefully. Fortunately, Yun Xuzhou was holding a high-level permit, so they could keep Huangfu Du’s head safe.

As soon as they passed the gate, soldiers wearing heavy armors hurriedly rushed over and drove the merchants to both sides of the road.

“Respectfully welcoming the Tiandu’s special envoy——”

Sang Yuanyuan’s eyebrows jumped and she looked over.

A big carriage with full and fluttering straps of gauze, inlaid with gold and wrapped with jade, slowly ran towards the gate. The curtain of the carriage was opened, and the ‘special envoy’ with a golden crown on his head was holding two beautiful women with disheveled clothes on his left and right. It is driving into the territory of Dong state.

It was actually a familiar face, the Crown Prince of Jiang state, Jiang Jinzhen.

You Wuming leaned his head over from behind and put it on her shoulder and said with a chilly voice: “I heard that when you passed the Capital of Jiang last time, you drank three to five glasses of wine with Jiang Jinzhen. He even praises Little Mulberry’s great tolerance for liquor when he meets other people. “

Sang Yuanyuan looked at him sideways and saw that he was slightly squinting his eyes that were full of killing intent.

She raised her smiling face: “The King of You state is jealous.”

You Wuming drew his body away lazily: “Tsk.”

She tilted her head and propped her elbow against the carriage window. While she tapped the slender fingers on her forehead and squinted her phoenix eyes, she smilingly said: “I told him that in the battlefield with the underworld demons, I received the utmost protection from King You, so the one that I toast for is King You. So, he talked big when he met others, but he didn’t put you, this big Buddha, out for use. “

“I will even lend him a hundred courage.” You Wuming’s eyebrows twitched and very indifferently picked up the teapot on the low table to pour water to drink.

The smugness on the tip of his eyebrows and the corner of his eye can’t even be suppressed.

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