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Chapter 71.5 All The Living Things

It has already been such a long time, it should be enough for everything to be completely arranged.

“There.” He casually raised the tip of his sword and pointed it obliquely towards the rear side.

Sang Yuanyuan glanced attentively and then saw the place where the tip of his sword pointed at. The underworld demon seemed to have jumped a little higher there. Looking at it from a distance, it was like a small area of a particularly protruding wave on the sea.

“This is a bit too obvious, isn’t it?” Sang Yuanyuan felt so puzzled.

You Wuming said with a smile: “One has to jump out of the square inches to see the whole situation clearly. If Han Shaoling can’t jump out, he will never know what the world looks like in the eyes of the person who can jump out.”

Sang Yuanyuan’s mind was slightly shaken and she felt thoughtful.

As expected, Han Shaoling came over, and their two mounts interlocked. He raised his halberd and shouted in a clear voice: “Good skill, King You!”

Sang Yuanyuan looked attentively and found that his eyes were steady and there was no evasiveness at all in it.

Sure enough, everyone who can be a king is the king of the silver screen.

“Killing in a straight line. King You is surely faster than anyone else!” Han Shaoling laughed heartily and shouted. Then he took the lead and rushed forward.

You Wuming swung his sword lazily and went after him.

They are getting closer and closer to the area where it has been tampered with.

Sang Yuanyuan’s heart was pounding. She was paying attention to the movement below attentively——If anything happened, she could summon the Chomper Flowers to kill the opponent by surprise!

The first time, they actually rushed straight past it but nothing happened.

“There are indeed people hiding below there.” Sang Yuanyuan told You Wuming in a low voice, “Their breath and heartbeat are very well controlled. They should be a capable people who were very proficient in assassination.”

On this land soaked in flesh and blood, some blood vines intermittently climbed up and down. When they got closer, Sang Yuanyuan heard the sound of breathing and heartbeat under the pile of the underworld demon’s corpses.

You Wuming smiled darkly: “Puppet.”

The puppet grabbed the mane on Duan Ming’s neck, revealing a half evil and beautiful face, with a malicious smile at the corners of its lips.

“Kill all the people below.” You Wuming said coldly.

As soon as the puppet’s small hand was released, it fell silently into the wave of underworld demons.

Sang Yuanyuan looked sympathetically at Han Shaoling who was taking the lead in front of them.

His back looks a bit high spirited. His halberd is shining white as he swings out white-metal glows that were accompanied by lightning and thunder.

He didn’t even know that the elites hiding under the corpses of the underworld demons had already become a row of fish lying neatly and ready to be harvested.

Where the puppet disappeared, there were rolls of fine cloth that fell down.

Sang Yuanyuan was slightly stunned——Fine cloth? Those fine cloth that wrapped around its fingers just now?

She bent her waist and patted Duan Ming’s big head: “The puppet wrapped its hands because it was afraid of hurting you?”

Duan Ming dropped its head very disdainfully, and looked at the fallen fine cloth contemptuously.

Strangely, it was as if Sang Yuanyuan could understand its meaning——Am I so easily hurt? I don’t need it to be so meddlesome!

She couldn’t help but laugh in a low voice and suddenly felt that she had profited. Buy You Wuming, but also get a puppet and a dog for free.

“What are you laughing at, Little Mulberry?” You Wuming covered her with a dangerous voice and asked vigilantly, “Why are you smiling while looking at Han Shaoling?”

Sang Yuanyuan: “…” She sat flat and cast her eyes straight out. Of course she will definitely see Han Shaoling who was in front of them, and how to explain this? Everything visible is empty[1]?

She tilted her head to look at him, and said solemnly: “Because I smiled at him, you get angry. If you are angry, you can burst out stronger power when you fight him later!”

You Wuming: “…” It seems to make sense.

He casually slashed back the underworld demon that came forward, frowning a pair of handsome eyebrows, and muttered very unhappily: “It seems that Little Mulberry still has no confidence in my strength. I have to work harder to practice my cultivation when I get back later. Well, I originally just spent two points of thoughts on it but from now on, I will add more so that it reaches five points.”

[1] Everything visible is empty: One of the heart sutras in Buddhism.

[2] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz