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Chapter 72.3 The First Confrontation

Seeing You Wuming again this time, Han Shaoling clearly felt that some unexplainable changes had taken place in him. If he used to be like a black muddy swamp, now, he is more like a pool of deep and calm water.

You Wuming, who is not wrapped in gloom, can easily take away the title of ‘the most beautiful man in the Cloud Realm’. There was a hint of inexplicable emotion in Han Shaoling’s heart.

The light that was blown from You Wuming’s sword clashed with the Thunder Dragon.

As expected by Han Shaoling, that green light had no resistance at all, and it was wiped out in an instant.

Han Shaoling once again gathered all his strength and stabbed towards You Wuming heavily——The more he reached such a critical moment, the more he could not relax even in the slightest. He has to be sure to hit the enemy with a single blow, decapitate him and make him never turn over again!

At the moment, Han Shaoling, who is doing his best, is also at the end of his rope.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, a very light laugh suddenly came out.

Cold into the bones.

Then, a pair of fire wings suddenly spread out. You Wuming held the sword in both hands and raised it high above his head. A green flame was ignited above the blade. When he looked at the flame, he felt that his mind was severely burned. It seemed that there was no force in the world that dared to challenge it.

The surrounding air was burned out, forming a momentary void.

Under the pressure of this terrifying flame power, the spiritual storm gathered by Han Shaoling instantly dispersed into a violent air current.

There’s even no time for the fear in his eyes to condense and form.

You Wuming’s heavy blow has been slashed down sharply!

The low ‘Heh’ voice was hoarse and cold, full of strength and conceit.

The green flame strikes the Thunder Dragon.

The white colored spiritual essence with metal elements that densely gathered into thunder made an extremely piercing sound. Then immediately, the Thunder Dragon couldn’t even make a struggling gesture anymore and was broken into two!

Then the flame blade cuts straight down!

The metal elements have always been known for being firm. However, under this raging green flame, it has no resistance at all. When the black sword passes by, there is no obstacle and it breaks through to the end!

Han Shaoling only had time to raise the long halberd in his hand horizontally, supporting the halberd with both of his hands and blocking the blade that came from the front side.



The halberd smoothly broke into two pieces.

Han Shaoling’s body sank heavily, and the battle beast under his seat was actually crushed into a bloody flower by the shocking force!

He knelt down in the flesh and blood on the ground.

As soon as he felt sweetness in his throat, a large amount of fresh blood gushed out of his mouth.

When arranging the assassination, Han Shaoling deliberately moved the twenty thousand cavalry farther away to deceive You Wuming to relax his vigilance and at the same time also to prevent You Wuming from mixing into the crowd and escaping in chaos.

At this moment, he was counter-killed by the enemy fiercely, and the army under his command was unable to rescue him at all!

You Wuming’s feet landed to the ground. First he looked back at Sang Yuanyuan and saw that she was fine. Then he moved his fingers lazily and clenched the handle of the sword again.

The green flame has been submerged into the blade, and the You Wuming standing in front of Han Shaoling at this moment is unremarkable.

Han Shaoling raised his head.

He held the broken halberd, propped himself on the ground and did not fall down.

“It’s you…you actually broke the boundary!” Han Shaoling looked a little dazed, “Above the Shining Spirit Base, what is it?”

You Wuming’s black eyes slowly turned: “You don’t need to know.”

He raised the sword in his hand lightly, aimed it at Han Shaoling’s neck, and swung it down without hesitation.

Han Shaoling closed his eyes and a faint smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

If you lose, you lose.

Being uprightly defeated and killed, there’s nothing to be unreconciled about. This kind of battle, regardless of victory or defeat, can only make people feel freed. If it was You Wuming who were defeated today, Han Shaoling will sympathize but will never show any mercy.

No one is the predestined protagonist, everyone will fail and become a stepping stone for others.

He felt the wind.

Behind the wind, what was hidden was the cold edge of a blade.

You Wuming’s sword is the heaviest, fastest and coldest.

Beheaded by such a knife, there should be no chance to feel any pain.

His body was slightly stretched, and he felt numb all over.

One generation of a king, is about to die under the blade!

[2] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainWhere stories live. Discover now