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Chapter 74.4 Seize The Power of Good Fortune

Therefore, the one in most danger at this moment is the extremely weak and remote Bai state!

“General A Gu, please send an elite cavalry to pass through the Great Wall in Sang state and go to Bai state for support as quickly as possible!”

“Yes! This subordinate will arrange it right away!”

The jade token then broke.

Sang Yuanyuan took out the jade token to communicate with Sang Bujin from her belt.

The jade token connected, and Sang Bujin’s voice that was full of anger came out of it: “Little Sister, I will contact you again later!”

The jade token was broken before the words fell.

Sang Yuanyuan heard the full roar of underworld demons from the opposite side.

Listening to the sound, it doesn’t seem too troublesome either.

Sang Yuanyuan held the broken jade token and fell into deep thought.

One thing came to her mind.

In the original plot, after Meng Wuyou established a relationship with Han Shaoling, he once sabotaged a sacrifice and saved a young girl. After that, the ‘Tidal Bore’ of the underworld demon appeared in twelve places at the same time, which was rare in a thousand years. Just a short while afterwards, the eighteen states of the Cloud Realm were completely reduced to the underworld demon’s dish.

This is so similar to the current situation!

According to the original development trajectory of the world, in this period of time, there is absolutely no such terrible attack from the underworld demon. Could it be possible that the butterfly effect she brought could still affect the underworld demon under the abyss? It’s obviously impossible.

So in the original plot, did something else happen there that she didn’t notice?

Sang Yuanyuan fixed her gaze and pondered about it.

Meng Wuyou and Han Shaoling had been together for several years before the sabotage of the sacrifice. Why didn’t she do it before?

Because Han Shaoling didn’t give her a chance.

Han Shaoling knows Meng Wuyou very well, knowing that once she is released on the day of living sacrifice, she would absolutely make trouble. So he would watch her closely every time before the starting of the Waking of Insects’ day.

Only that one time…

A ray of light flashed through Sang Yuanyuan’s mind.

At that time, under the influence of Meng Wuyou’s powerful halo, Han Shaoling’s strength had become stronger and stronger, no less than that of Dong state.

At that time, the King of Dong state Huangfu Jun dropped his vest decisively, invited the two of Han Shaoling and Meng Wuyou to Sang state’s remains to discuss rehabilitating Sang state and elevating Meng Wuyou’s status as the legacy of the Sang state royal family. The two sides had a very good discussion.

Unexpectedly, on the way back, Han Shaoling actually encountered the most dangerous assassination in his life.

Meng Wuyou was forcibly knocked unconscious and taken away by his personal bodyguard since a long time ago. She didn’t know how Han Shaoling survived in the end and only knew that after he recovered from the serious injury and came back, he didn’t believe her explanation and claimed that her adoptive father Huangfu Jun had set up a trap to kill him.

They quarreled with each other so much that in the end Meng Wuyou said hastily with messy words that if her adoptive father really was the one who did it, it would be impossible for Han Shaoling to come back alive with that skill of his.

Han Shaoling was so angry that he vomited three liters of blood, saying that if it hadn’t been for the justice from heaven, he would have died at the bottom of the valley since long ago!

As soon as this kind of words came out, Meng Wuyou was really heartbroken——In order to alienate her relationship with her adoptive father, Han Shaoling even made up such a lie! She naturally refused to agree with it, and also chaotically quarreled with him.

Han Shaoling ran away in anger, forgetting the matter about the Waking of Insects, and ran to a quiet lake bank alone to heal his injury.

And then the unexpected turns of the Waking of Insects’ event happened.

Sang Yuanyuan thought until this point and only felt the cold waves floating on both of her cheeks, then her body trembled involuntarily.

Perhaps, the  unexpected turns of the Waking of Insects’ event happened not because of Meng Wuyou sabotaging the living sacrifice, but because…

‘Heaven’ intervened in Han Shaoling’s escape from the hands of Huangfu Jun!

It is precisely the ‘Heaven’ that really causes the horror and evil!

Sang Yuanyuan’s hands and feet were cold, and she turned back subconsciously, looking towards You Wuming——At this moment, she couldn’t help but feel very grateful that there was such a person beside her. No matter what the storm, there is always someone in the same boat as her.

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