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Chapter 49.5 A Fatal Misunderstanding

You Wuming grabbed it casually and the cover of the ink box opened, making all of his hand black.

“……Little Mulberry?” He was firmly taken aback.

Sang Yuanyuan looked at his black hand in a daze. As soon as she shifted her gaze, she then clearly saw that what he was catching was a jade ink box. She shifted her gaze again and found that the silk cloth was piled thickly with a small round of writing brush neatly tied on it.

Sang Yuanyuan: “……” Did she misunderstand something?

Does he, want her to help him grind the ink? She froze and didn’t know what expression she should put on for a moment.

You Wuming slowly wrinkled his eyebrows. Then he raised his hand and pressed it to her forehead.

Sang Yuanyuan couldn’t dodge it and was pressed by his ink stained hand. The cold ink fell on the hot skin, and she felt as if they were emitting white steam.

“Sick? Your face is so red.” He stared at her flushed little face and the corners of her teary eyes, then muttered in a rather puzzled way, “Isn’t it still alright just now? How come you are sick when I overlook it just for a moment? What on earth are you made of actually, Little Mulberry? How can you be so delicate? Now you can’t live without me even for a moment, right?”

“Cough……” She twitched the corner of her mouth weakly and said, “It seems like……I felt a bit unwell……”

You Wuming picked her up and put her on the bed.

He looked a little confused, staring at the ink stain on her forehead, and muttered to himself: “The Clear Spirit Base cultivators will not get any kinds of diseases at all, is it poisoned?”

Sang Yuanyuan’s face turned even more red: “I only, got up too hurriedly just now, and felt dizzy. I’ll be fine in a moment.”

You Wuming stared at her for a long time, and saw that she was really full of energy, and there was no sign of illness or poisoning.

He suddenly realized: “Oh! I know! “

Sang Yuanyuan’s heart trembled: “What, what do you know?”

Oh no, oh no, oh no. She is really dying now!

“Little Mulberry!” You Wuming narrowed his eyes and smiled like a fox, “You are so lazy that there is no cure for it! I have never pretended to be sick anymore since I was three years old! It’s just a matter of grinding ink, but look how finicky you are about it! “

Sang Yuanyuan: “……You Wuming, you are really so insightful!”

He cocked his tail triumphantly: “Of course. Do you think you can fool me with just this little trick? “

Sang Yuanyuan: “……”

The rest of her life’s integrity is saved!

This whole night, You Wuming raised the corner of his lips and with a small oil lamp, he wrote down the adventurous story about exploring the underground palace on the top of the silk cloth.

Sang Yuanyuan stood behind him and watched it.

At first, her eyes were fixed on his beautiful handwriting. They all say that one’s writing is just like the person itself, but apart from being beautiful, You Wuming’s writing has nothing in common with himself at all.

His handwriting is that kind of upright and beautiful one. At first glance, anyone would have thought it was written by an upright and rigid gentleman.

Soon, Sang Yuanyuan was caught by the story he wrote.

In the dim underground palace, all kinds of traps had caught the poisonous monsters and they just appeared in front of the reader’s eyes as if they had jumped out of paper. When the writing arrived at the most important part where the last secret of the underground palace was just behind the door, and the protagonist was about to push the door to enter it, You Wuming retracted the brush and stopped suddenly.

“You Wuming, I think it can be polished a little bit here.”

He raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Sang Yuanyuan smiled confidently, then sat beside him and picked up the brush and added a few more words to the adventure.

He tilted his head to look.

‘There is no such horror’, ‘Crumpled it like sweeping up dead leaves’, ‘Break it for me!’[1].

You Wuming: “……”

Sure enough, what a finishing touch!


[1] : Honestly, I don’t understand this one. Just translate it literally, but I have no idea what it was about. The raw is  ‘恐怖如斯’、‘摧枯拉朽’、‘给我破’ Hope someone can enlighten me T_T

[2] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainWhere stories live. Discover now