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Chapter 49.7 A Fatal Misunderstanding

The more he continued to listen, the more the stage of things developed. Seeing Xiao Zhong clearing the barriers all the way and was about to get the final secret, Huangfu Xiong was in extreme excitement that he didn’t even dare to let the breath out heavily.

But at this moment, the clear and bright voice suddenly stopped instead.

Huangfu Xiong only feels a hundred claws scratching his heart. Listening to the story without hearing the ending, it’s like being on the bed of the Clam Goddess and has to hold it back right before the peak of flood burst. It’s indeed really fatal.

He felt entangled for a long time, but he couldn’t hold it back and made the convoy enter the inn to rest.

Huangfu Xiong was originally a person with a straightforward personality. He immediately bought twenty jars of Fuling’s most famous green plum wine and knocked on the big wooden door of that wing room.

When he entered the wing room and asked, only then did he know that ‘Xiao Zhong’s Revenge’ is a legendary story created by the gentleman in the room. The ending? Not yet written!

Huangfu Xiong almost knelt down to You Wuming.

“Tonight, can you write it tonight?” Huangfu Xiong eagerly looked at You Wuming’s hand that was holding the brush.

You Wuming pondered: “Maybe?”

Huangfu Xiong made up his mind and turned his head to order his left and right. He arranged for Huangfu Du’s wife, Jin Lanlan, to have a rest in the inn for a night to wash away the travel fatigues. After dressing up and putting everything in order tomorrow, they would rush to the capital of Dong state.

You Wuming sat down at the table, picked up the good wine from Huangfu Xiong in one hand, drank from the mouth of the jar to his heart’s content, and wrote beautiful writings with a brush in the other hand.

Huang Fuxiong only felt that this man was the confidant who he had been looking for his whole life. He also grabbed the wine in a hurry. You Wuming drank one jar, so he drank two jars to show his sincerity.

Halfway through the writing, You Wuming threw down his pen: “No inspiration anymore.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Here, teacher. Please drink a full jar!” Huangfu Xiong opened the plastered cover and handed over a jar of good wine.

You Wuming somewhat apologetically said: “How about I tell the story of ‘Shall not bully a poor boy’ first……”

Huangfu Xiong nodded his head just like a chicken pecking rice.

Halfway through the breaking engagement flow, You Wuming changed the story and talked about a sad and sentimental love story.

Jin Lanlan, who was next door, has the load in her mind touched by it. She sat quietly behind Huangfu Xiong and listened to the story.

As the wine grew stronger, Huangfu Xiong finally couldn’t hold it back anymore and went to the latrine.

You Wuming faintly continued: “……Pity that Yun Niang, can no longer hear a word or two from her husband anymore for she has become the Amah Rock[1] first.”

“Not even, a word or two……” Jin Lanlan shook in a trance, “My husband, also……didn’t leave me a word of affection at all……”

You Wuming revealed a smile. He bowed down his body slightly and looked directly into Jin Lanlan’s eyes.

“Did your husband contact you before he got into the accident?”

Jin Lanlan was stunned and couldn’t help but stare at You Wuming’s eyes.

“Yes……he did.”

You Wuming’s voice became deeper: “What did he say to you?”

Jin Lanlan frowned and seemed to somewhat resist it, but still truthfully said it——

“My husband said that his foster father was injured by a villain. He was ordered by the Emperor to draw the villain out, kill it, then return.”

“What else?” Dark stars are spinning in You Wuming’s eyes.

Sang Yuanyuan knew that he was unleashing the Enchanter clan bloodline’s bewitching skill against this wife of Huangfu Du.

Since hearing that something happened to Huangfu Du, Jin Lanlan hasn’t closed her eyes very much for several days. Her mind is so badly shaken that she naturally doesn’t have much resistance.

Sang Yuanyuan was a little nervous. She kept a close eye on the movement outside to prevent Huangfu Xiong from coming in suddenly.

“He, must have said something else to you.” You Wuming skillfully guide it, “Think again carefully, what else did he say?”

[1] Amah Rock : the stone gazing out for her husband, is a naturally shaped rock located on a hilltop in southwest Sha Tin District, Hong Kong.

[1] Amah Rock : the stone gazing out for her husband, is a naturally shaped rock located on a hilltop in southwest Sha Tin District, Hong Kong

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[2] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainWhere stories live. Discover now