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Chapter 51.2 The Curse of Flame

Sang Bujin tried his best to stop the chasers and help Yun Xuzhou escape, but he himself fell into the hands of the Mountain Fire clan.

Naturally, Yun Xuzhou can’t run for her life alone. She quietly sneaked back to save him. As a result, she hears the good news——The Mountain Fire clan’s leader fell in love at first sight with the captive, wanted to marry her forcibly and they will get married tonight.

If Sang Yuanyuan and You Wuming had not arrived at the right time, Yun Xuzhou would have to fight, even if it meant she would lose her life, to ‘mess the bridal chamber’ tonight.

Sang Yuanyuan: “……”

Yun Xuzhou frowned tightly: “I hope this dog man doesn’t lose his mind and touch her before the bridal chamber……”

Sang Yuanyuan also has the same concerns.

It’s just that the direction of her concern is a little different——It’s not that she is afraid about Sang Bujin’s passionate situation, but just afraid that his identity as a male will be exposed, then the Mountain Fire clan’s leader will get angry and want to kill him.


Yun Xuzhou took Sang Yuanyuan and You Wuming to shuttled through the mountains for a long time.

Suddenly seeing the dense vegetation on their left and right, they already arrived at the destination.

They suddenly see the lights in front of them!

The Mountain Fire clan live in a very unique place. At a glance, one will think there was a big fire in the forest——All the buildings were dyed in a dark and light red, the air was full of burnt smell, and almost every wooden house had burning torches beside its door.

The residents were barefoot and dressed in red clothes. All of them were very busy, sending pots of nuts that looked burnt to a large wooden building built on a high ground.

This large wooden building occupies an extremely wide area, like a palace. It has four floors. The whole building is dyed red. Torches are inserted on the load-bearing pillars of each floor. At first glance, it looks like a barbecue grill that burns red and stands up with an open flame.

The wooden pillars and the porch railings were all wrapped with red cloth strips. It looked like a wedding was going to be held in a glance.

Yun Xuzhou pointed to the thin black traces on the ground around the fortified mountain village and signaled Sang Yuanyuan and You Wuming to look at it.

She said: “That is something like fire powder and what not. As soon as an outsider gets close to it, it will light up a wall of fire about ten zhang high. It’s very fierce. Because of it, Fengchu and I were exposed. Behind that wooden building is their ancestral land. You see, it’s so dense over there.”

Sang Yuanyuan looked at it attentively, and saw that near the low mountain behind the big wooden building, the thin black traces were so dense, radiated in circles to all directions.

All the people from the Mountain Fire clan are barefoot, and the soles of their feet are like black charcoal. Stepping on those thin black traces on the ground will not provoke any reaction.

It’s a big array for defense and alarm.

“It seems that we can only fly in.” Sang Yuanyuan pondered secretly.

The sky in the mountains darkened very fast.

As if it was only in a time of blinking an eye, the afterglow of the setting sun disappeared behind the dense forest, and the curtain of night came down.

The people from the Mountain Fire clan began to place fires on both sides of the dirt road.

Yun Xuzhou was extremely worried: “Fengchu was also poisoned a few days ago. Her body is so weak. I’m really worried that she will suffer losses!”

You Wuming was smiling wickedly on the side: “It’s hard to say who will suffer losses! By the time when the pants were pulled down, we don’t know who will be more……”

Sang Yuanyuan gave him a hard twist on the waist.

She said: “Don’t worry too much. The Mountain Fire clan’s leader can’t actually do anything anyway……”

Why did it seem that the more she said it, the more wrong it is.

Sang Yuanyuan and You Wuming looked at each other and closed their mouths together.

When the moon climbed out of the distant mountains, the wedding ceremony between the Mountain Fire clan’s leader and Sang Bujin began.

The long and loud music, like from the suona[1], came out of the big wooden building. The people of the Mountain Fire clan are holding oily torches and cheering noisily. The atmosphere is very lively.

[1] Suona: also called laba or haidi, is a Chinese sorna. It has a distinctively loud and high-pitched sound, and is used frequently in Chinese traditional music ensembles, particularly those that perform outdoors.

 It has a distinctively loud and high-pitched sound, and is used frequently in Chinese traditional music ensembles, particularly those that perform outdoors

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[2] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainWhere stories live. Discover now