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Chapter 51.3 The Curse of Flame

Soon, a pair of bride and groom, hand in hand, walked out from the big wooden building in which it’s door was as high as two stories of a building.

After so many days, Sang Yuanyuan finally saw her own family’s cheap brother again.

He was dressed in a fiery red dress and a big silver crown with red bird feathers on his head. He put on makeup, which at a glance, one will know that it was freshly applied makeup, and it was the gradual red dyeing of the Mountain Fire clan.

A blazing flame on his forehead was so pressingly dazzling.

The tail of the eyes were painted with the radiant cloud at sunrise, and the eye sockets were also drawn in red, which is very mysterious and gorgeous, with the feeling of a very wild and enchanting beauty.

He even put powder on his lips.

The makeup on the upper half was horribly red, but the lower part of his face was snowy white. The strong impact makes everyone whose eyes fell on his face can no longer turn their eyes away.

Sang Yuanyuan can’t help being a little speechless——could it be that Sang Bujin said he was busy, not trying to escape, but busy putting on makeup?!

Really hanging her heart in vain for him! He looks like he’s doing so extremely well!

The corners of You Wuming’s mouth directly twitched when he saw him.

“Little Mulberry.” He whispered in her ear, “When you and I got married, do you also have to painted like this? You better forget it. This taste, is too strong. Like the squid. “

Sang Yuanyuan: “……” What kind of a ghostly straight man’s appreciation of beauty is this?

Yun Xuzhou pursed her lips for a long time before hatefully spit out: “She still has the mood to draw her eyebrows and paint her eyes! I think she even finds happiness in it!”

She looks like she was in extreme anger.

Sang Yuanyuan originally wanted to explain a few words for her cheap brother. However, seeing that guy flaunting like a red peacock as if he can’t wait to spread its tail to display its fine feathers to the people of the Mountain Fire clan, she could only realistically say: “Maybe it’s the first time he tried this style of makeup and wanted to see how it will look like when it’s done?”

As they spoke, they saw the people of the Mountain Fire clan lighting up all the firewood piles that had been placed on both sides of the dirt road, and then kicked the firewood sticks that were burning onto the road.

The leader  of the Mountain Fire clan smiled like a fool. He carefully took Sang Bujin and stepped over the firewood sticks. His mouth keeps chanting be careful, be careful, be careful. Sang Bujin’s glances are flying wildly. His whole person is a red and gorgeous cloud. Looking so extremely festive.

How can there be any shyness at all? He totally finds pleasure in it instead.

Yun Xuzhou lost her sense of propriety in anger: “Being picky and choosy for these years, only to settle with such a thing! Are men so great?! Isn’t it just having two liang[1]more of meat only?! She is crazy, isn’t she?!”

Sang Yuanyuan: “……” Won’t say anything. Whatever she says will be wrong.

Led by their leader, the people of the Mountain Fire clan began to hum an ancient tune.

There’s no lyric, just the ‘a a o o’ syllable.

On the contrary, it was unexpectedly expressive. As soon as one hears it, they will know that it is full of the Mountain Fire clan’s fanatical worship of the ‘flame’.

The newlywed successfully stepped through the road of fire.

“I’m afraid they are going to the ancestral land!” Yun Xuzhou reminds them with a low voice and a heavy expression.

The people of the Mountain Fire clan surrounded their clan leader and Sang Bujin, and walked towards the back of the mountain.

Yun Xuzhou’s group also carefully sneaked inside the mountains, and followed them neither too close nor too far away.

Behind the big wooden building, a low mountain with no vegetation is lying lazily under the moonlight. Everyone followed the mountain road coated with crimson sticky organic substance and climbed over the low mountain.

Behind the low mountain, there is a dark red rocky cliff.

The people of the Mountain Fire clan stopped in front of the rocky cliff, humming an ancient tune once again, and with their arms around their chest, they crouched in front of the cliff then touched the ground with their forehead, and chanting in a low voice.

[1] liang: a unit of weight (=50 grams).

[2] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang