•Chapter 29•

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I was thinking about making this chapter the end of Arc 2... but I still have a bit more to write. Hope you enjoy!


"What?!" You start.

Both skeletons sweat drop as you scowl and notice all of the other residents in the cafe staring at all of you. "Goddamn it, stupid blabbermouth," you growl to yourself and then turn to your enemies, "We will talk in my domain," you state finally as Ink audibly swallows and Blue grins nervously and nods his head hurriedly.

As you slowly and calmly walk into the portal leading you into the throne room. You sit upon the gold and lavender throne, a moon crest on it. The one beside you, a gold and yellow one with a sun, meant for your brother, sat empty.

Your gang lines up neatly and equally around the room and Ink and Blue stood in the middle under your harsh gaze.

"Blue. Explain," you start.

"I Am So So Sorry Nightmar-" your gaze hardens and Blue nods, "I, The Magnificent Blue, Keep Around A Secret Journal Of Sorts To Keep What Happened During That Day There And It Has Always Been In A Secret And Secluded Place-"

So a diary, you sum up to yourself.

"Until I found it!" Ink chirped happily, "I can't believe that-"

Blue slaps a hand on top of Ink's mouth and rubs his nasal ridge with his phalanges, frustration and disappointment showed on his skull, "Ink has no self-preservation skills. I am sorry about that," You sigh and nod for Blue to continue, "As I was saying, I keep a journal where I put everything in there and write down what happened during that day. One day, I forgot to put it away, and it was sitting on my bed. When I was gone. And... Ink came into my room and found it... invading my space and privacy," Blue adds, looking pointedly at Ink who sheepishly rubbed the back of his skull," ...and Ink told all of the other Au's-"

"HE DID WHAT!?" you roar out, corruption boiling, causing the carpet underneath you to hiss from the corruption,

The Au's sky which was dark, like night, turned red, and the aura in the room darkened and weighed down on everyone's shoulders, you were furious, no- beyond furious!

Ink slightly and nervously scrunches into himself and Blue's expression wavers as he starts to sweat more, "AT LEAST YOU COULD HAVE NOT PUT THAT IN THE JOURNAL. IT WAS MEANT TO STAY A SECRET!" You fumed, not noticing Dream walk into the room, wondering why you were so mad.

As he sees Blue, he happily runs up to him and gives him a hug, not knowing why Blue was there but happy that he was.

"Sister! I didn't know you brought Blue! You should have told me!" Since Ink was shorter than Blue, Dream didn't see him and outright spoke to you, not as Nightmare.

But at the sight of your brother, you compose yourself and the heavy aura ebbs away, but the eye twitch and frown came from Ink tilting his head at you and mouthing 'sister?'

You sat back down and called up Dream and motioned for him to sit in his throne beside you, expression stern.

"So now there is going to be a current meeting about this to talk about it and it would be great if you could come with us..." Blue trailed off, slightly wincing at your harsh glare.

You sigh, rubbing your temples, "After... a little over 5 centuries, somehow, the secret had come out and I cannot believe it had to be in this way. Fine. I will go to the meeting. But you are not off the hook yet," you growl.

Blue nods and grimaces, "Yeah, I'm Sorry I Should Have Been More Careful."

You huffed and opened up a portal to an Au and waved your hand, motioning for them to get out and add one last thing, "For a month, you will be plagued with the worst nightmares in the multiverse as punishment. You should be happy that the punishment is pretty tame," you say and then both skeletons hurry out as you send over 2 orbs of highly condensed negativity (that only you could see) to follow them around and when they slept, they would become small and smaller until the month was over.

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