•Chapter 14•

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Hah. Before, I decided that I'd try this new little story out for a bit and see how it goes, 3-4 pages each chapter. But I've gotten so attached to this story that I'm now writing 6-7 pages for it now most of the time and I don't even notice!

But we'll see how this whole thing goes as maybe I'm motivated to make the chapters long or short- but I still hope you all enjoy!

(Pssst- fun fact, I have a google doc entailing all chapters on it & future chapters and right now it's up to 96 pages)


Nightmare was in charge of the body now as you and Corrupt were in the mind space, reading a few books that you've read over the years and in your past life after you have played some blackjack.

And then Nightmare's voice shocked both of you as it screamed both of your names.

"Y/N!!! CORRUPT!!!"

Startled, you and Corrupt came out of the mind space immediately to see Nightmare and a startled Blue and Ink in front of him.

'WHAT?!' you shrieked making both Nightmare and Corrupt wince at your volume, 'Why can't they just leave us alone!?' you fume. Blue and Ink were good, yes, but they were literally starting to tick you off now!

"AH," Blue replies slowly to Nightmare who was in a defensive position, showing his hands to show he had no weapon in sight, "HELLO NEW FRIEND! HOW ARE YOU?"

"Good"," mumbled Nightmare, still on edge, not wanting to be rude.

"Who are you?" asked Ink with interest in his eye lights, tilting his skull and Nightmare stiffened.

'Now I know that this is stupid,' you start, and Nightmare glances at you as Corrupt pinches his nose bridge, knowing what you were going to propose.

'No, Y/n,'

You give him an 'I'm sorry' half frown half-smile as and shout at the top of your lungs, 'Cause a distraction and RUN!'

Running high on panic, his fight or flight instinct, Nightmare does exactly what you tell him to.

Summoning his staff, Nightmare materializes some pure condensed negativity shards and throws them into the ground, causing them to explode, further shocking Ink and Blue, and on instinct to protect Dream, Nightmare uses most of his power to create a powerful barrier encasing Dream. The negativity wasn't harmful to Dream, but it would be to those who tried to touch Dream. Only Nightmare could diffuse it but in his panicked mind in wanting to keep Dream and himself safe, he made that barrier.

Starting to run away, Nightmare stumbles, but you and Corrupt helping just a tiny bit, noticed that there was still smoke impairing Blues and Inks vision, so you both use a bit of power to make a tendril for and catch Night as he flees. Not noticing the smoke clear up for a second to allow Blue to see what you both did. Making Blue widen his eye sockets for just a fraction before throwing Ink off of himself making Ink yelp and then whine to Blue, and chasing after Nightmare.

Nightmare who righted himself from almost face planting, sped along, trying to make it into the woods before Blue sped up to him but he was already starting to get tired from using a lot of magic, to encase Dream in the barrier of negativity and to hopefully throw off Blue and Ink.

You had to switch soon as Nightmare's time was almost up and he was starting to slow down.

Making it to the start of the forest, you urge Nightmare to switch with you so that he wouldn't strain himself more and he nods. Counting to 3, you both switch and you run faster, but after a while, you feel fatigue go over the body and look behind yourself, immediately relaxing when you don't see Blue.

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Where stories live. Discover now