•Halloween Special•

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The first day of a particular month started it all.

When last year, the topic of holidays came up and you spoke about Halloween, your gang had become enraptured with the principle of it.

Scaring people? Free candy? Dressing up to scare others? Count them in!

And Cross, had an amazing idea for Halloween, as the others had put it despite you wanting a peaceful day (or month preferably), you could just never get what you wished for.

So now, was the start of your gang, including Error (who just wanted to piss you off for fun) and your brother (with the most cutest and pure intentions) began to decorate your castle and make it look scary.

See, since the whole truce thing, Cross introduced the idea of turning the 3rd floor into a Halloween Party place and the 4th floor into a haunted house, or floor, or whatever, since the 3rd and 4th floor weren't used for anything, and invite others from Au's all over the multiverse to come since no one was really a 'bad guy' now

Of course, you were assaulted with 5 types of puppy eyes, including Dreams, (Which you obviously can't say no to), you gave in into their idea but told them that they had to plan it and make it themselves.

And there were no qualms about it (Thankfully).

And so, after a month of preparation, you came to check it out yourself, the day before Halloween.

They... didn't do a bad job, you could say.

"So!! Brother!! What do you think?" Dream bounces in one place excitedly.

"Not bad," you reply, "Seems like you guys went all out."

'Oh, this was such a splendid idea!' Nightmare gushes excitedly, 'Everything looks so cool!!!'

"Thanks, Nightmare, and Mara," Killer smiles, and Cross nods happily.

"No problem. And I'm sure that you still know that Corrupt is still in a bad mood about this?" You raise a brow bone, amused.

Corrupt had not been happy about this, so he had gone to the mind space and refused to come out. Much like a child pouting, angry that they weren't listened to or someone didn't do what they liked. Except Corrupt never pouted.

Killer sighs, "Gooplord is too uptight!"

'Oh lay off of Corrupt,' huffs Nightmare understandingly, 'I understand him pretty well as this is our home still and we are still introducing a bit of risk with throwing this party. Because then, others will know the location of the castle and this is our home.'

Cross nods in agreement but also adds something, "Yeah, that's true, but we could also just open a portal in the Omega timeline and for our home, I think all will be fine, and it's one of the first times we all are able to have this! And I'm sure it'll be amazing!"

Corrupt comes out of the mind space and sighs, 'Fine. But if anything dangerous is to happen, the fate that I will bestow upon you is unfathomable and you better be prepared.'

"Yes sir!" Killer mock salutes as Cross smiles and Murder nods along. When Murder relays along the message to Axe, making Axe also nod in agreement.

So, now it was time to put out in the Multiversal news. Texting Blue, (Who you sometimes talk with or have tea with to discuss things, and Ink is much too... well, yeah, and you still hate his nonexistent guts) you tell Blue about the party and to tell everyone on the Multiversal news that in the park near Ccino's cafe there will be a portal leading to your castle and there will be a grand Halloween Party that everyone is invited to and that there will be many festivities, a haunted house, etc.

Telling the others that you sent out the text, it was time to now wait till the party tomorrow.


You didn't really expect others to come to the party because you all used to be one of the most feared in the multiverse but your thoughts were proved wrong. You were in your room, smiling to yourself. You were happy that your gang was excited and happy that everything worked out.

Why you were in your room was because, obviously, it's Halloween, and you have to dress up as someone or something. You made your costume a surprise as you refused to tell your gang what you were dressing up as, and Killer, Axe, and Murder, were dressing up as parts of a grilled cheese sandwich, Killer and Murder were slices of bread and Axe was the cheese and Cross insisted on doing a costume with yours and your entrance to the Halloween party was going to be a short event because Corrupt loves extravagance and you wanted to at least comply with him on something since he didn't want to but was forced to comply with the Halloween party idea.

Which meant that you were dressing up as a king.

Crown, robe, and all, while Cross was going to be a knight.

So, your grand entrance was starting now. The grand opening where Cross stood in front of you, in armor and all while the shadow Papyri escorted you from the sides in a formation that protected you at the sides and back as well as there were some who carried you on one of those things where there's a platform and a throne and people would carry it.

And while you were out, you switched with Corrupt so that he could 'Bask in the awe and respect'.

After that was done, you switched back into the body and greeted all of the other guests, happy that some actually came and were enjoying themselves thoroughly and weren't afraid to talk to you.

Not much happened after that but, surprisingly, the day was a success. Though, you did have to stop a certain mischievous Sans (*Cough* Blue *Cough*) from spiking the punch that was part of the buffet table. Multiple times.

But yeah. It was nice.


Ya'll. I have never written a special before. (I'm also sorry that it was short T~ T)

Did I do good?!?!?!

I- hhhhhhhh, I hope I did well. I wanted to write more but then procrastination got to me as well as I'm actually trying to do good at school so I'm just- tired. BUT, everything's going well. Now, at least, other than crappy project partners and fucking retards that are at my school (Racist Motherfuckers that are horrible to my friends). 

But that's enough of venting, see ya'll tomorrow when the first chapter of Arc 3 comes!

M' also gonna post each chapter at around every 8-10 days or so. Wish I could do it every 5 or 6 days, but blame that on school.

Luv ya guys and thanks for your support again, have a nice Halloween, and have fun Trick or Treating! (Those who don't celebrate Halloween or live on the other side of the world where it's currently Nov 1st, I hope you have an amazing day regardless!)

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