•Chapter 4•

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This is super long and it took me a while, so have fun reading this long -ass chapter I suddenly had the urge to not split up into others to not make you guys wait! (Sorry for any spelling errors if there are any!)
Word Count —> 3,736 words

1 year, 6 months, 2 weeks

A year and a half has passed and things were already getting boring. Well. ish. You had left the castle in #3's care as you went to adventure, for now. You went to adventure in the sense of training and helping yourself in being able to increase your magic reserves and on how many times you can travel to different au's.

Also, You have found Fluffytale. Aka, Ccino's cafe.
To your surprise, Ccino did not care who you were and already knew about au travellers. His cafe was basically a multiverse cafe, you could say.
So instead of being frightened of you as other au residents are, you only felt curiosity from him and maybe a little anxiousness, but just a twinge of it.
During the travelling of au to au, you had to learn how to make a good poker face and how to not show emotion in front of others. And you were glad that you learned how to do that because Ccino was so cute! And that was your fangirling mind speaking as Nightmare explored the cafe in awe and Corrupt didn't care, staying in the headspace that was made earlier (You'll talk about that in a bit).

But Ccino's coffee was amazing! Espressos were your favorite coffees from your past life so of course that was the one you chose to drink. What also caught your attention were the cats all around the cafe as well. You've known about them because Ccino's cafe would gain a new cat every single time a new type of sans would come in and order a drink. And because you did, your next visit was greeted by a black cat with dark cyan paws and underbelly, with 2 tails, one eye closed with a scar over its place and the other eye a beautiful glowing cyan. There was also another cat with a small moon circlet on its head while it was white with grey spots with a lavender underbelly with lavender eyes.

Ccino came up to you and told you to name them since they appeared after you left meaning that they were from you. You shrugged and named them, the Nightmare look-alike as Lavender and the Corrupt look-alike as.. Well Corrupt. You know, you're un original.

Anyways, back on point, after getting your usual espresso from Ccino, Ccino asked you a few questions on your tenth visit to his cafe after you gave him the G owed. This was about after 8 months of him knowing you and you knowing him.

"So, stranger," he starts and you answer.
"Not really a stranger if you know my regular already," You interrupt with a calm face as you face Ccino.

Ccino doesn't show any emotion at your interruption as he keeps a calm face as he re-states his question, "Alright then, pal, you've been coming by and you're an interesting guy so care to share your name?" Ccino asks and you can feel a pinge of curiosity come from him.

Swallowing down another small mouthful of espresso, you answer the skeleton as he drags over a chair to sit down for a while across from you.
"Nightmare," you answer, "Guardian or King of Negativity and Nightmares."

Ccino emits a small aura or surprise, "King? Should I call you your majesty now?" he huffs out a small laugh, "And what's your majesty doing here in this plain old cafe?"

"Just came to check it out," You shrug as you sip away at the espresso, "And who's a King if they don't ever want a break?"

"I can see that," Ccino nods, "Well then King Nightmare, do you need anything else?"
"Cake pop," you reply without hesitation. You have always wanted to try one but always forgot to.
"Ok, one cake pop coming up." Ccino says as he smiles and stands up from the chair and heads to the pastry display.

After you finish your espresso, you're given a cake pop and before you pay, Ccino stops you, "You know, you're an interesting fellow, everytime you get something, your payment will be you giving me news about what's happening in the multiverse or something about yourself. I need to keep myself up to date anyways."

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt