•Chapter 10•

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We're in the double digits now! Yay! And again, thank you so much for the support and everything! (I'm also gonna try to make more dialog and have Corrupt and Nightmare interact more in the story because I realize that they are not in as much as I want them to be).

RESULTS: Family dynamic is a must, but I don't think there should be any romantic relationships (Sorry for those who looked forward to it!) but still, thank you so much for your Ideas! Also, Killer will still be flirty (obv a major flirt) but just won't hold any romantic interest.

Also, should I do a Q/A sometime? (In about 5 chapters or so, I dunno)


Making your way through Farmtale, you were pushing through a wheat field. The positivity here made you grimace as obviously, you were made of negativity. Positivity was what weakened you.

But you would endure it, to uphold your part of the deal and make it go smoothly.

'This positivity is disgusting'

'It's not disgusting, but yes, it is annoying to be in,' You agree with half of Corrupts' statement. Nightmare shrugs indifferently, 'I really hope that this works,' you worry.

'I'm sure that it will,' Nightmare encourages, 'You're good at communicating.'

'Ehhhhh,' you grumble mentally, but say nothing more. It was clear you doubted yourself, but you hope that this goes through well. You do have an idea on what to offer, though.

Making it through the whole field, you sigh in relief now that you're not in the dense wheat. You were met with a large farm, full of berries, fruits, vegetables, animals, etc. All in their own sections of the large place of land. After looking at everything in awe, you straighten your posture and melt into a puddle of goop, and travel to the nearest shadow. You do that for a bit, to explore, and to get to the small house beside the barn without walking.

Your past life was never really talked about after your first breakdown of mentioning it when you got your memories of it a few years later after merging with Nightmare and Corrupt. But you could remember bits and pieces that have left strong emotional impacts on you. When you were happy, sad, etc.

You loved animals and when you were little, you wanted to have your own farm. But reality crushed your dreams.

You weren't going to get too emotional now though, so you steeled yourself to the task at hand.

Knocking at the door, you cool your expression, straighten your posture, and wait.

You hear a distant 'Comin'!' from behind the door.

After a few moments, the door opens wide to welcome you in. Because of your unusual appearance, Sans does a double-take but steels himself and greets you, "'ello there stranger! Come on in! What brings you 'ere today?"

The Sans of Farmtale who you were now going to dub Farm, welcome you in with a warm aura.

Without saying anything, you nod and come inside the nice little abode. When you sit down after him telling you to, he asks for any refreshments and you politely refuse and wait to speak. When you are asked again on what you're doing there, you start, "I'm here to make a deal."

This felt so cliche and overused.

"What kind?" Farm asks, "An' what's my gain?"

"Let me explain the full picture. There are alternate universes, Au's for short, different variants of this place. There is an au that has all of its monsters there starving with no food available so I have come to see and make a deal with you for food that would last at least 500-600 monsters for a month, every month."

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