•Chapter 23•

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I will update another time on July 11th and then I won't update for 3 weeks (Or more precise, until August 1st) because I will be visiting relatives and won't be able to update.

So I decided to update at least a bit more/faster than usual before I go.

Hope you enjoy!


Cross's POV

When the movie ended, the skeletons that were awake (Mainly Killer, Cross, Murder, and Axe) stretched. They knew that Dream was asleep, he tended to snore quietly when he does but what they did not expect was to see Nightmare asleep as well.

"Wow. Boss must've been tired," states Killer and adds, "He was so quiet I didnt even notice him fall asleep."

"Yeah," nods Cross, agreeing with Killer, "I've... actually never seen him so peaceful..."

Axe grunts as he nods, agreeing with him as Murder gives a non-commital hum.

"So are we not going to add how Boss has been going softer and softer? And he actually fucking smiled this time!" Murder says and then adds, "Not that it's bad, but boss has never relaxed this much. Ever."

"Maybe... because of Dream? He is his... brother," Axe says, nodding to Murder.

"Maybe. But guys- hear me out," Killer says, a smirk playing over his expression, "What if we snoop around boss's room? See if we can find anything interesting that might explain this?"

"That- is a breach of privacy!" Cross whisper hissed as he saw Dream move in his sleep, afraid that he and the others would wake him. And possibly Nightmare.

Killer, paying no mind, spoke over, "Oh come on Crossy! It'll be so fun! An' we barely even know boss! Who knows what he's hiding, it'll be so interesting!"

"Exactly why we shouldn't be snooping around because he probably has a reason to hide whatever it is!" Cross exclaimed.

*~*No. Y/n, Nightmare, and Corrupt really didn't have anything to hide at this point, but they don't know that yet*~*

"Buzzkill. Wuss. Party pooper. Downer. Nincompoop. Scaredy cat. Bore. Coward. Daddy issu-"

"OKAY, okay! I get it! No need to rub it in Killer!" Cross whisper yelled, "FINE, but if we're in trouble, or we get caught, you're taking full blame."

"Fine with me," Killer smirked with a shrug and Cross huffed.

"So what's the plan then?" Asked Murder who was watching the whole thing with amusement.

"When boss is gone for a mission all by himself, you know how he doesnt come back for a couple of days?" He gets affirmed nods around him, "Well, how about we search around boss's room when he's gone? It'll take him some time to come back and before then, after we search through, we can put everything back where it was before, simple as that," grins Killer and then Murder replied.

"Then how will we get in if he has magic blockers and guards around his room?"

"Easy, we sneak around," Killer grins at the promise of a hard challenge.

"Killer, you know that that's going to be almost impossible, Boss has security everywhere around his room!" Cross argues, still not wanting to invade Nightmares' privacy.

"Then we'll find a way around that," Killer shrugs as he grins. Cross sighs but doesn't say anything else.

~~~ After a few days pass ~~~

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz