Ch.23 Bonds That Tie Fractured Souls

Start from the beginning

Oh Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Ooo Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Open my eyes.

This is life.

Change comes with time.

This is life.

Break me with that truth.

Break me with that truth.

Break me with that truth.

Take all my fractions.

Shaping something new,

out of the fragments.

Light up this old soul.

I was broken.

Now we're golden.

Now we're golden.

Oh Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Ooo Woah oh

Oh Woah

Oh Woah

Oh Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Woah Oh

Open my eyes, this is life. (Now we're golden)

Change comes with time, this is life. (Now we're golden)

I was broken.

Now I'm golden.

Now I'm golden.


I finish the song. I hear a small snore. I look down to see Nightmare asleep. I smile. He looked so peaceful like this. As if untouched by the horrors of the world. I knew right then, I would do absolutely anything to protect them. I carefully lay back on the ground with Nightmare and close my eyesockets. I listen to the breeze passing through the meadow. I breath in the calming scent of nature. I feel the soft earth beneath us. And slowly, I fall asleep.


3rd PoV

Life is currently in her kitchen making a light soup and bread for Error, when Reaper appears. "Hey Life, heading over to Error's room,you want me to take that for you?" Reaper asks.

"Error's not in her room. I took her outside to the meadow. She wanted some fresh air. I'll go with you." Life tells him. Reaper nods.

"Alright, I'll be sure to float so I don't touch your flowers. Wait... isn't the kid over on that side?" Reapers says.

"Oh right, I completely forgot. The two of them likely met by now. Hopefully it went well. I made sure to explain to little Nightmare the situation, so he shouldn't be too scared of her. The poor thing is painfully shy and untrusting. Especially after his trauma." Life says.

Life picks up a few cookies for Nightmare and places them on the tray with Error's food. "Alright, that should be good. Let's head on over." Life tells Reaper as she picks it up.

"Lead the way." Reaper says and follows Life out.

The two of them make their way through the garden to the small meadow. Once they make it to the entrance they stop at the sight before them. There in the center of the garden surrounded by flower, layed Error and Nightmare in eachother's embrace sleeping. They wore crooked flower crowns on their head matching their soul colors. It painted a beautiful picture. Life gasped. Reaper looks to Life concerned. "What's wrong?" Reaper asks quietly.

"I can't believe I didn't notice it before, but I assumed the leftover magic was remnents of the exorcism Error preformed on Nightmare to free him of the evil spirit. I hadn't realized it caused them to develop a bond. Though with Nightmare so young and their longing for love and acceptance, it's not surprising they would create one with the infusion of Error's magic into his soul." Life says.

"They created a bond! This is the second time she's done this! She created a sibling bond with her Chara from an exchange of magic. She would probably be happy to have another younger sibling." Reaper says.

"It isn't a sibling bond. As a goddess of life I can see the nature of ties between souls better than you can. It's still seems to still be new, but has gotten more noticeable than it was earlier. They have a parental bond." Life tells Reaper.

Reaper freezes up in shock. He couldn't seem to process the words Life just told him. Error having a parental bond with Nightmare. He falls to the ground in a dead faint.

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