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"Hey beautiful," Beau's text began, and I swooned, even though I realized I should know better. He was just so charismatic and the attention he gave me, even if it was just a few texts here and there, or a quick phone call, made me weak in the knees and seriously flustered. It was so very flattering to have him call me that.

At the same time, I realized I shouldn't let the attention affect me. For all I knew, he may use the same words on many others. And that would be understandable. He was Beau... this hot and super talented musician and just so.... so just everything...

He had so many fans. All over the world.

I sighed as I typed a quick, "hello."

"Moved back in yet?" he asked.


I took a deep breath and debated whether or not I should tell him the entire truth about my new roommate, but settled for letting him know I was on campus and that I now had one.

The phone rang a few seconds later. My heart skipped a couple of beats when I realized it was him calling.

"Hey," I answered, sounding a bit too breathless.

"So, no more dorm sleepovers," was his only comment, and I laughed for the first time since meeting Trinity.


That was definitely a no. From what I'd seen of Trinity so far, there was no way I'd ever introduce her to Beau or anyone in the band. Or even give her an idea that I knew him.

Which meant no more sharing a room. Or a bed with Beau.

I groaned out loud as my mind traveled down memory lane.

His chuckle came through the phone. "Don't worry, gorgeous. You'll stay in my room again next time," he said like he had read my mind.

And just like that, my heart beat loudly for a totally different reason. As much as I loved the idea of spending another night with Beau, and hoped for it too if I was honest, I worried that I'd be able to handle it in the long run. The more time I spent with him, the bigger the possibility that heartbreak would follow. And it wouldn't be his heart breaking.

Damn it. Beau and I were supposed to be friends. Friendly. Maybe with benefits or something... I wasn't supposed to fall for him.

But he was just so...

I took a seat on an empty park bench, and we spent some time catching up. Beau told me about the upcoming tour while I watched the college students arrive back on campus. It was surreal to think that while I worried about passing my classes and having to deal with a roommate -although she appeared to be a complete psycho - he stressed about finishing up the album and being away on tour. As cool as that was, it must be scary, too.

"How's the new album coming along?" I asked.

"Getting there. If Lucas would stop arguing, we'd be done a lot quicker."

I laughed and loved the way I felt talking to him. It was easy, kind of like talking to Max, but with some added butterflies.

When we ended the conversation, he told me he'd talk to me later, which made my insides go all warm and fuzzy. And unfortunately looking forward to the next time I'd see him. Whenever that was.

I stayed on the park bench for a while. It was in the sun, so even though there was a chill in the air, I was comfortable. People came and went. A few of them I recognized, and we said hello.

I texted Max to let him know I was back and gave him a heads up about the roommate situation so he wouldn't just barge into the room, not that he normally would, but you never knew.

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