66. sweet nothing 🌹

Start from the beginning

I turn onto my side, looking at him. He's pretty.

I just look at him.

He looks tired, and i know he's stressed because his hairs all messy.

I want to hold him.

I know that's stupid.

I reach over and press the button on the wall to alert the nurses.

All of a minute later and Athena walks in, she glances at Ciro and then walks into the room, "You okay?" She asks, holding my hand.

"Yeah." I smile, "Is Kairi still here?"

"They have someone in custody so he's at the station but i'll call him." She hugs me, "God i'm so glad you're okay. He scrubbed in on the surgery and everything, hasn't even left your side since the ambulance drived." She grabs my hand.

"Is everything with me okay? What surgery?" I gulp.

"Spine was unaligned so they had to realign it, your leg as well, you had a couple of trapped nerves but everything about you is working fine. Just... rest." She runs her thumbs across my knuckles.

I smile at her, "What time is it?"

"It's just past 5 in the morning, you have three agents stationed outside this room, the entire hospital is laced with them and... mafia men?" She kind of raises an eyebrow, "You know, Kairi only told me today that Coin is a mafia boss."

I smile, "He's a cute one."

She smiles back, "He is cute. I mean, bar from threatening everyone that touched you that he would kill them if you didn't get back to him alive, it's quite cute."

I giggle a little, "Wanna be my bridesmaid?"


"Ciro and I are getting married, need a maid of honour, a bridesmaid, i have all of... like... two friends."

She nods her head, "Of course i would."

"Good." I look at him again, "I feel so guilty sometimes. He never asked for any of this."

"He doesn't care." She says ademandly, "He would do anything for you regardless of what."

"It's tiring for him." It's tiring for me, it has to be worse for him.

"He can handle it." She squeezes my hand, "You should get some rest, i can up the dose of melatonin."

"I won't sleep." I shake my head, "Thank you so much, Athena."

"No problem." She smiles weakly, walking away.

I knew it was stupid but i turn on my side, looking at Ciro.

I love his little snore.

I close my eyes.

I do sleep for a while, when i wake up, Ciro's chair is pushed closer to the bed but it's replaced by my mom.

"You feeling okay?" She strokes my hair.

"Did they find him?" I ask.

She rubs her lips together, "Wrong guy."

I feel my stomach drop. "Where's Ciro?"

"He's just talking to Roman Reign, he's helping us out."

"Is Com here?"

"He is, he's with Stefan but they're outside." She grabs my hand, "You're so strong."

I don't believe that anymore.

I smile softly, resting my cheek in her hand until the door opens.

The doctor goes over all the tests, they showered me, they put me back in bed and put me high on morphine so i don't feel the fracture in my leg.

Mom leaves to get food and in the time that she does, Ciro walks in. He smiles softly, "You look like shit."

I smile, "Please don't walk on eggshells around me."

He tuts, "I would never. God, i can't wait to smack the shit out of you. Why? I don't know." He sits down, grabbing my hand. "I have good news and bad news."

"Start with the good." I turn onto my side.

"Roman Reign hired a PI to watch you, they found out who it is."

"Bad news?"

"Roman is refusing to me anything unless you tell him where Arabella is."

I shake my head no, "Never going to do that to her. We'll hire our own PI."

"He got some good information, this could all be over-"

"Arabella doesn't need all of that. She's giving birth soon and she's not ready." I smile, "It's okay."

He sighs a little, then pinches my nose, "I cried." He smiles.

I raise an eyebrow.

"You were sleeping, you had a nightmare, you called for me." His eyes linger, "You called for me, amore. Not your mom anymore."

I know i always call for my momma when i have nightmares.

He kisses my hand, "I cried."

"Baby." I pout a little.

He smikes, "You just called me a baby after i told you i cried for you?"

I nod my head, "Only babies cry."

He shakes his head with a chuckle, "Wanna go to Italy for a while?"

I know he's looking for me to get away to see who follows. I nod my head, "Can we go Rome?"

"I'll take you around the whole country, baby." He winks, "Stay at my place there, you'll love it."


"Very, very expensive building."

I smile, "Then i will like it."

Roman 🤢

word count: 1366

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