Chapter-35 I missed You

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The Terranova mansion was of two divisions-the west wing and the east wing. According to Julian, the staff and guards were shifted to the west wing temporarily to avoid anyone spotting me or Derek. They have a wider and sophisticated hospital wing installed on the west wing to have this one just for us. That explained the deserted corridors. This wing was now exclusively for the family and Eric's office so that he could be close by.


The limpid voice almost startled me because I could not hear any footsteps from behind. Julian recognized the man and they both shared a hushed conversation. It was awkward to stand and wait but I remembered Eric leaving after a phone call. Was it about that?

"Is something wrong? Eric and Damian left rather abruptly."

The old man was apologetic to having ignored me and straightened his suit like a prim and proper gentleman. He extended his hand to shake. As I was shaking his hand, I couldn't help scan his appearance which matched that of a butler. His mannerisms and poise were like he was accustomed to any situation. The most striking feature was his grey eyes.

"Hello miss, it's been a long time since I last saw you as a little child."
"You know me?"
"Of course. My name is Hank, your father's bodyguard. You don't recall asking me for candy when you were little?"

"Oh...uh no."
I was flustered when he gave a disappointed face. That wasn't enough to throw him off the conversation though. He enclosed my hand between his hands and smiled warmly.

"Your father and brothers are more at ease to now know that you are alive and well."
"Ah, not the sister."
"Your sister and brothers don't get along well but work dexterously for the business. It had all changed when you were taken."

It wasn't really my concern if I was hated by the sister because she was not one bit remorseful about shooting Derek. I only needed to know if she will threaten the decision taken by Eric and Damian to support us in leaving. Asher and Landon were also doubtful cases but I was hoping that Eric and Damian were enough to get us out of here.

"I see. Aren't bodyguards supposed to know.."
"Yes, we should be with the bosses but they want the most trusted men to be your guards. Information would never leak from us so we were chosen for the job. There's a control center nearby, we watch everything so you don't have to worry about your safety or your family. There are many other men for security of the higher ups."

"I wasn't worried.."
Hank simply chuckled and patted my hand.
"Yes, yes I understand."

We left Hank return to his duties and when we were close to the door, Julian informed about Freya's visit. She was really a great doctor who I had gotten a little close to. There was always this motherly vibe around her that I couldn't deny.

"Is everything alright, Freya? How is Derek?"
"I was waiting to talk to you about that."
"What? What's wrong?"

She lowered to Derek who was laid on an elevated angle and whispered gently.

"Would you like to wake up now from your fake sleep Derek? Your sister is here."
Derek's eyes shot open much to my delight. I was laughing while I jumped into his arms and looked into his eyes that I missed so much.

"You are awake! How could you do that!? Don't ever use your body to block a bullet ever again!!"
My happiness turned into tears. He held my face with his uninjured hand to wipe my tears off. Once we had a little reunion, Derek turned to glare at Freya and Julian. He thinks they are the Terranova, the mafia gang but doesn't know about the DNA test.

"You cannot hide your consciousness from a doctor, you were waiting for your sister?"
Derek did not answer and his hand gripped tighter on mine.

"He is out of danger. The bullet went through and through as it was a very lucky hit. You will experience tiredness and dizziness so it would be best to move slowly. Refrain from lifting any heavy objects with your injured hand. Take things slow." she advised.

The nurse and I helped him to walk to the bathroom and laid him back carefully afterwards. He was handling the lack of balance well. Derek was quiet and was probably wondering why we were being treated so well. Now was not the best timing to talk about the DNA test but Freya took a hint and left us to talk on it alone. Julian and the nurse were not leaving though and Julian was already whispering through the earpiece. Eric was hearing the news already. Derek pulled me closer and spoke hurriedly.

"Did they do anything to you? Are you alright? How is the burn wound? I am so sorry that you had to go through with this alone."
"twinnie, I am totally fine. The doctor treated my burn wound well and it's healing well and there is no pain."

Derek looked at me bewildered at my relaxed attitude. After I recited what had happened without omitting any details and the entirety of the situation we were in, Derek looked at me incredulously and scoffed.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? And you believed that D?"
He wasn't referring to the DNA test but the part where Damian and Eric agreed to let us go. He seemed to accept the DNA test since I told him about the resemblance. Besides, there was no real advantage by naming us their siblings.

"Mafia jerks are not supposed to be kind and what about the sister shooting at you? She was aiming for you! They can change their minds for her! Don't tell me you trust them now, we are the enemy and it is natural that they would want to silence us for good."
This was going to turn into an argument pretty soon with an audience. The nurse was fidgeting uncomfortably watching someone badmouth her boss. I sighed.

"Twinnie, calm down. You are still vulnerable so recover first. We have no choice but to wait until that. I admit my heart was moved when they tried to connect with me but my resolve to leave has not dwindled."
"Fine, but remember this..."

He held my face again.
"You are my family. That will never change, okay? So we are going to leave together and I am telling the same to that man Eric as well. I am sorry that we are stuck because of my injury."

A smile appeared on my face.
"Let's not blame ourselves,okay? All that matters now is that we are alive."
"I missed you so much, D."
"I missed you more."

We both hugged each other and remained still for a while.
"Are you alright?"

"Okay...Now tell me, what was that about their adopted brothers? Can you tell me the names again?"
"Oh, Zach and Harry. There are five brothers and one sister that includes the adopted twins. Eric, Leia, Asher, Damian, Zach and Harry. Landon is the father and Freya is Eric's wife. The guy behind us is Julian, Eric's bodyguard. There was another one, Hank."

Derek hummed and seemed to be memorizing the names like we always did in the SIO. The door opened and an unknown man entered much to my surprise. Why would Hank let this man through? Julian's defensive stance was saying a lot but he wouldn't do anything because he knows this man.
"What are you doing here?"

"Julian, the Reaper's head wishes to meet the prisoners."

Derek's face scrunched at the mention of prisoners and Julian wasn't happy about the announcement of the new entry either. The door opened again to reveal a man in his 70s surrounded by dark suited men scrutinizing the room. His entire head was covered with grey hair and his skin was shrunk but his posture and face were vivacious and attentive. The man who came at first was a checking person for security.

The old man's eyes landed on me and never moved. He did give a prior look at Derek but wasn't interested in interacting with him. My guard was up as soon as the gang's name was mentioned. We have heard of the Reapers when one of their men was almost convicted by another team in the SIO. The accused died in prison mysteriously and the case couldn't be reopened against the gang. They show no remorse even to their own men. So why was the head here and Julian not saying anything?

"You look just like Miranda. Fate has led my granddaughter back to me."

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