Chapter-19 Checkmate

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The original owners of the assets gathered for a meeting promptly on Sunday morning. There were close to 50 people in the hall. Most of them were curious about what the ‘discussion on assets’ was all about and a few were eager to meet Dominic himself.

Once Dominic announced his presence, everyone settled down. They were presented with the property transfer papers for the assets which were seized by Victor. It included all kinds like buildings, apartments, land, warehouses and even shops.

“Greetings and welcome. I don’t like beating around the bush so I will get straight to the point. As you all know, you have your respective property transfer papers. I understand your struggle to sell them off even for half the price and therefore, I wish to buy them all for the actual price.”

The hall is filled with murmurs and whispers.
“You can receive the cheque when you sign the papers. Read it well and if you agree, please sign them and hand it over to the registering clerk.”

Almost all of the owners signed happily and with a sigh of relief, they left receiving the cheque. A few of them however, walked hesitantly to Dominic.

“Mr. Knight, maybe you should reconsider this.” one of the women stepped closer and whispered.
“The assets are under the control of Victor Lansky, the mafia boss.”

Dominic smiled.
“Don’t worry ma’am. Please rest assured and sign it. Release yourself from the trouble and leave it to me.”

The rest of them looked at him with admiration and left the hall after signing. The properties were transferred successfully and Mathew confirmed after checking on them.

“Why did you buy those assets? Victor has money and power to make a comeback” Mathew asked with a bit of doubt laced in his voice.

IF he makes a ‘comeback’…”
“I am just pushing the rat into the open field, Mathew. I don’t intend to kill it. Be it a snake or an eagle, any other predator can whisk it away. And as for me, I am the onlooker who gloats at the rat being slaughtered.”

One of the managers entered the hall.
“Mr. Tobias has asked for an appointment to meet with you, Mr.Knight.”
“About time.” Dominic murmured.
“Give him one tomorrow at 11AM.”

It was Monday morning and Dominic’s office was organised for a private meeting. Tobias, one of the generals of the DIA-Defence Intelligence agency arrived to the company. He was mainly in charge of handling weapon and ammunition supply contracts for the military.

A man in his late thirties with woody brown hair and pressed lips, he held a sharp look behind his thin glasses. The two were left alone for their discussion.

“How are you feeling, Mr. Knight?”
“Very well, thank you. And I thought we were past formalities, Tobias.”
“Not when you are keeping secrets from me. What have you been upto lately Mr.Knight?” he said emphasizing the last part.

Dominic cheerfully went on with the conversation.
“You already know, Tobias. My interview in the magazine and the clubhouse opening. Been through some important enhancements in the business.”

“Really? And the reason for getting hospitalised?”
“A fever of course. You know… the seasonal changes?”

Tobias scoffs and folds his hands.
“Where’s Jonathan?”
“Out of town for personal reasons.”
Dominic didn't lose the stare battle with Tobias and finally Tobias relented.

“Damn it Dom. Just don’t pull out something crazy in the name of profits and crap.”
“Not at all Tobias. But there is a favour I would like from you.”
Tobias frowned a bit and squinted his eyes in suspicion. Dominic never asked for favours so there was something fishy.

“Oh come on Tobias, I have given various discounts and offers in the contracts all these years, so you can give me a few favours now and then right?”
“Depends on what you ask.”

“Fair enough. I need security for new assets that I bought recently. There’s some disputes in them so until they are cleared, place a few men at each property is all I ask.”

Dominic passed the file with the list of properties to Tobias who gave a scroll through the papers and looked back aghast.

“There is close to 50 properties. They need security and my men are needed here so…”
“I knew it. You and your unreasonable favours.”

“You can’t do it? Should I look for other sources?” Dominic asked innocently.
“No. I will arrange for them by tomorrow.” Tobias grits his teeth in annoyance.
“Thank you! I will give you an exclusive contract with good benefits for this.”

Sighing in frustration, Tobias left with the file in hand. No matter how unfriendly their meeting was, Tobias placed security the next day around all the properties in the file.

Dominic inspected a few of them and knew that Victor was seeing the same sight as him. As a matter of fact, Victor was also looking at one of the assets from afar.

The board with the words ‘Property of Knight corp.’ was making him go mad in fury. The security was such that it couldn't be touched. Once Dominic was assured of securing the properties, he called Mathew to his office when he returned.

“And’s Checkmate.”

That night, Dominic took Andrew to complete the deal and set him free. The car zoomed past buildings and overgrowth for close to an hour. Andrew grew impatient in handcuffs but did not question anything because of the 1 billion dollar cheque Dominic held.

They reached an open field close to a vast mansion with different coloured poppies growing all around. The place was eerily silent and aloof from the city.  When Andrew was brought out, he started to grow wary of the surroundings. Dominic handed over the cheque to him.

“Why did you bring me here, Dominic?”
“It’s outside the city, a great place to start anew right?”

Halfway through his statement, masked men surrounded them. Andrew rotated around in fear while Dominic and Mathew casually leant to the car.
“Who are they!?”
“These men and the lady over there are the Terranova, Andrew.” he said pointing to the only lady among them.

“You went back on your word!! YOU SCOUNDREL!” Mathew pushed him to ground before he could get close to Dominic.

“Of course not…When I offered you a billion dollars and freedom, the Terranova contacted me. They knew you were alive and suggested a deal. They simply want to ask a few questions about their captain who was captured by Victor and then you can go free as promised. I know this changes our deal a bit but they sent me the same 1 billion dollars to hand you over for questioning. So in the end… you get a billion dollars, I get a billion dollars and they get You. It’s a win win situation for all of us, Andrew.” Dominic declared with his hands open.

“Why you little….”
Andrew’s words were cut short by a drug injected into his neck. Dominic tucked his hands into his pockets and gave a sarcastic look at Andrew who fell about like a rag doll.

“Thank you Mr.Knight.”
Dominic’s eyes moved to the man standing in command of the group. They both shared a short nod with an authoritative aura filling around them. Without any further ado, Dominic and Mathew hopped into the car and rode away.

Wednesday, which was the day prior to the raid had arrived. While the SIO was gearing up for the most anticipated night of all, there was news spreading all of a sudden, out of nowhere sending shockwaves through Watford. It was the day when everything changed.

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