Chapter-21 Our Little World

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It is the day after the raid, Derek and I are still anxiously waiting. Nate did not contact us after the video leakage. Derek sent him a message about the issue with Dominic but there is no response yet. We had our eyes glued to the news channels, Victor Lansky had escaped and a warrant had been issued. We wondered about what the next plan of action would be. Since there was work today as well, we got ready earlier and pooled up time to have a possible meeting with Nate. The weather was particularly terrible today. A huge thunderstorm rolled into the region and flashes of lightning and booms of thunder were occurring continuously. It was like night time with ominous dark hues spread across the sky.

Derek went to check after the doorbell rang while I stayed on the news. A few seconds later, he returned with a troubled expression holding a package. I peeked a bit from my chair and I could make out the words ‘Watford court’. It made me spring up from my place and soon, we were seriously looking into what the papers were. It was a court summon for Derek as a witness in a private hearing to be held on Tuesday.

“Defendant- Damian? The Terranova captain? Why are you being summoned as the witness?”
“I don’t know, D. This is the first time I am hearing about this…there is no claimant name mentioned here either. That’s weird, the name of whoever claimed that we have the evidence should be on the papers. What’s more is that they have named me as a witness for a murder…”
“No no! If the Terranova learn about this, you will become their target! They will kill you!” I yelled frantically.

Derek cupped my face and shushed me to calm down.
“D, calm down. Let’s go to Nate first to see if he knows about this.”

Not minding the rain, the winds and lightning we drove to the safehouse on our bike. It was pouring and by the time we reached, we were soaked to the foot. The door opened after we tapped the code and to our surprise, it was the agent from SIO who opened. Gabriel was sitting cross legged on Nate’s chair that had been moved near the couches. Nate was on the left couch but he did not greet us and looked blankly. His eyes seemed droopy and cold worrying me a bit. There were few more stoic agents standing behind Gabriel.

“Welcome Derek, Diana. Take a seat.” Gabriel said pointing to the other couch.
With one or two glances at Nate, I sat beside Gabriel while Derek shook off a bit of the water and sat next to me.
“I heard about the issue caused by Dominic, it will be resolved easily.”

“Gabriel, there’s another problem more crucial than this. Derek has been summoned to court as a witness against Damian Terranova. Please do something about it. If they find out, Derek’s life would be in danger.”

Despite the urgency in my voice, Gabriel was disinterested. Derek’s hand on mine made me freeze, his hostile eyes was increasing the distress in me.

“Ah, this is why you both are my favourite agents. You grasp situations quickly."

Distress was turning into fury with every word that fell out of Gabriel’s mouth.
“Yes, I am the claimant and it was me who cited Derek as the witness. I want you to recite the clocktower incident where you saw the captain murder innocent civilians. Those were Lansky’s men but such a statement would make the case even more severe against him. He will never be able to set foot into the light again.”

“This goes against the agreement, you cannot involve us in the case directly.” I said gritting my teeth.
“Oh I am breaking it and don’t worry, you both will be fine.” she replied smiling.

“You fucking bitch…”
Her cool answer broke every bit of sanity and I pounced at her with fists clenched. The agent behind was quick to respond and pushed me back into the couch with a hard shove. Derek was already standing with a gun pointed at him while the agent countered it with his own.

“You cannot break the agreement on your own because both parties don't agree to it.”

She threw some papers on the table and gestured me to it. Reading it made my blood boil, this wasn’t the agreement that Derek and I signed. Our signatures were forged into this new agreement. It stated that Gabriel could break the agreement any time she wanted. The actual agreement needed mutual consent to be broken. That was when my eyes moved to Nate who was staring at the ground.

Derek lowered his gun and so did the agent. He too was looking at Nate. Gabriel burst into laughter watching the three of us.

“Oh and you three had this ‘secret friendship’ going on, didn’t you?” she quoted in the air.
“Guess who helped in forging the agreement…”

Derek sunk back into the couch slowly. Thunder boomed in the background, the rain was louder and increasing. We both were pleading with our eyes to Nate to show some sort of reaction or give an answer. But it was all futile, his eyes were devoid of any emotions. Meanwhile, Gabriel was still chortling that everything felt bitter and painful.

“You thought he was your friend!? Do you even know who the highest benefactor from this court hearing is? Nate has a past with the Terranova so his motive has always been their downfall because otherwise, he would be killed. Nobody benefits from this more than him… and he is an agent of the SIO, his loyalties lie with us.”

It was shocking to know that Nate had been living his life in fear, we never knew about his past. It must have been a very lonesome journey. The forgery he had done didn't feel like a betrayal because Gabriel was a distrustful wench. She would do anything for her own ambitions.

“So you were blackmailing him using his fear as your advantage?”
Derek’s question hit right on the mark, bullseye. Gabriel lost her smile and glared at him. It was quite satisfying to see her finally showing such emotions.
“Careful what you say next Derek. One step out of line and I will bury the both of you 6 feet under. No one will even know.”

Nate’s eyes regained life and he steadied back up.
“Gabriel” was all he said.

 Gabriel’s eyes met with his and it was almost like a telepathic conversation. Gabriel’s lips curled in displeasure at his interruption. She glowered at him with full intensity while he held her eyes with arrogance. My confidence on Nate increased so my stance changed to a challenging one.

“Since you have broken the agreement, there is nothing that will interfere with our friendship right Gabriel?  Maybe we shouldn’t give up on him since you are the filthy hag here.”

“Nate is no longer your partner, I am announcing the dissolution of this team and banning all communication. So don’t push it Diana.” she warned.
“I have had enough of this, you both may leave. If you insist on being stubborn, my agents will show you the door.”

She disgusted me beyond belief. But our defeated faces was a different story, we lost Nate. It was back to square one, Derek and I in our little world. Nate came close enough to be a part of it but it crashed to bits. I couldn’t resist taking one last look at him. His downcast face was speaking thousands of emotions now and I could only hope for his safety.

“Goodbye Nate”

The water dripped from my pants when we entered our home. It was desolate and devastating after a wonderful career as a part of the SIO. It had grown on us, the mission, the people, everything. Tears were falling without warning and the rest of the day was gone with Derek and me cuddled together suffering the consequences of making the agreement with the traitor, Gabriel. Although we held concern for Nate, our position was much more of a mess so we applied for sick leave. I had to recollect myself and rest because a fever crept in by night time making the sick leave real. Derek tended to me, made food and also fed me medicines. From this day forth, our only goal was survival.

And so it all begins…

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