Chapter-25 My Mistake

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Time was frozen in an eternal bliss. My eyes were drowning into his, melting in the familiarity and nostalgia that was soothing and making me comfortable. What in the world am I feeling in the middle of a feud with a damn mafia!? He was examining my face to such an extent that frowns were growing on both of our faces. Derek did not notice what was happening between us and cuffed the man.

A soft husky voice startled the both of us.
His voice was stirring the deepest memories and was bringing my dreams to life. I heard his voice in my dream. Why did I want to cry so badly? Who was he? My knees began to feel weak and emotions were beginning to surge that I failed to hear Derek.

The screeching of car tires brought me back to reality from my trance. Derek rammed into me with force throwing me to the other side. The deafening sound of a gunshot rang past my ears.
"STOP!" the man said blocking us from the cars.

But, the damage had been done. Derek lay on the side with his right shoulder bleeding profusely. The voices and the noises were dimmed out, my body crawled on it's own to him. There was a puncture on his skin where the bullet had penetrated. Derek was struggling to keep his eyes open. I cupped his face and turned him towards me.
"No no no no, twinnie..." I barely whispered.
My throat was constricting due to the tears filling up my eyes.
"Derek" I croaked.
"Go" he mumbled.
I needed to take him to the hospital, he wasn't dying on me.

My eyes reached the walkie-talkie. I needed to call for help and save his life. Derek had lost consciousness and every passing second was valuable. But before I could reach out, a gun pressed onto my head.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." said a woman.
"You probably understand now that you shouldn't mess with the Terranova."
I pushed her off but that only resulted in more guns pointing at me and Derek as well.
"Please! Save my brother, take me! I will do anything you want but save him..."
The man signed to someone behind and in an instant, a needle sunk into my neck. My struggles were gone to vain. My mistake cost me my brother's life.
"twinnie" I said reaching for Derek but it went dark.


Leia and Asher watched the sleeping drug being injected into Diana. After she fell unconscious, Asher ordered his men to carry Derek into the car.
"How pathetic, she was ready to be a that perhaps the reason why.." Leia said sneering.
"Shut up"
"You know what Asher? Let's just kill them and save the trouble. What you are claiming is impossible and even if it turns out real, it would be a fucking headache for all of us."
She reloaded her gun but before she could shoot, Asher was blocking her way again.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Asher!? Some of our men are dead, many injured! You want to risk more for some desperate possibility?"
"If you wish to kill them, you will have to go through me"
Leia gave him the stink eye visually repulsed by his attitude. She slammed the gun into his chest.
"Fine. Then be ready to answer Eric."
Asher ignored her and bent down to carry Diana. He also noticed the bandage she wore and decided to have it checked out.

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