Chapter-28 Mafia Family

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Her eyes were searching, searching for an answer within the dark labyrinth hidden in Damian. Ofcourse he said nothing further and turned away from her prying eyes. The door banged open much to their shock revealing Eric, Asher, Landon and Freya. They were taking quick glances at Diana and Derek over and over again so Damian shielded their view of Diana who seemed to become alerted and was clenching the sheets. Freya was displeased though, her patients were being disturbed and there was nothing she could say.

Damian contemplated the sight he saw. Men in the mafia were mostly insane or dense or hollow, never emotional when it came to facing their enemy. But the various emotions mixing in the faces of his father and brothers was out of character. Especially Eric, who's face showed angst,intense grief and relief? A nod from Freya confirmed the news, they had found their long-lost mafia Prince and Princess. His offer to Diana was still on, he would help her and Derek escape from his family, their family. Though he wanted to believe in his family, there was still the part of broken trust weaving between them.

The madness in his brain brought out the crazy idea, a test that would tell him whether his family would harm his brother and sister. Without a word, he slowly walked away, turning all the stares to Diana who was about to respond. Damian pulled out his gun and pointed it. Diana felt ripples of fear and immediately stood protectively of Derek, for the gun was pointed at her.

In a second, Eric was in front of her. Damian froze at his brother's stance, never in a million years would have imagined such a scene.

"If he doesn't lower his gun before I count to three, shoot him."

Asher without hesitation pointed his gun at Damian. Damian let out a chuckle.
'What a demented family' he thought.

Landon wasn't even paying attention to all of that. His soft gaze was stuck to his daughter and a small hint of guilt seeped in when his eyes moved to Derek. Yet, none of them made a move as though they didn't want to scare her. Damian sneered at the thought, scare her? she was terrified of them.



"...." Damian lowered his gun laughing like a madman. What fools they were when it came to family, what an excellent weakness would it be.

All emotions were lost from Eric's face. He and Diana came face to face with each other. Damian snickered to feel the glance of suspicion Diana gave him.
"Don't worry, my offer stands. My gun was only necessary to confirm something and I am done."

Diana mentally scoffed but her wariness increased due to the man she was facing. The leader of the Terranova, a very dangerous man came personally to see them. He ordered everyone around and was even ready to shoot his own brother if he were to disobey his orders. Her left hand held onto Derek's hand. Freya shook her head to not squeeze it too much. Diana broke the tense silence, she needed to ensure their safety and was ready to make any sort of deals even if it meant breaking their professional ethics. They were really close to death now and there was no time to think rationally.

"I don't know why we are being held alive but please, I request you to let my brother go. In exchange, I am ready to do anything."

Eric raised an eyebrow but Diana nodded confidently much to the displeasure of Landon and the others. She was offering herself up so easily just to save Derek.

"Don't offer up yourself like this, ever." Landon said gritting his teeth.
Diana frowned at his statement, why was this man teaching her something like reprimanding a child?

Eric felt the same as Landon, and his hand held onto the DNA report crushing it down. He didn't want to show the test results to her. He was tormented internally when he received the news, Diana clearly didn't seem to notice the similarities in their appearances nor remembered their father. How would she react, what would she say? They returned as enemies and now they would hate them even more since they had almost killed them.

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