Chapter-14 Betrayal

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Around 10 PM:

Dominic entered the club with flair, clad in a black velvet jacket leaving the guests in daze. Mathew and Jonathan were there already waiting and joined him on the club’s lawn for the opening. After a little speech, Dominic declared the club open for business.

Champagne bottles were popped open and the crowd cheered and clapped with music drowning the noise. Later, he escorted a few specific VIP guests to the top floor followed by Jonathan while Mathew stayed on the ground floor.

After meeting up with more people, Dominic left for his own personal space. He asked Jonathan to prepare for the online conference meeting to which Jonathan complied.

Jonathan sat beside him assisting through the meeting with the collaborators. At around 11:30 PM, the meeting was closed with a few congratulatory messages for the club. Jonathan brought in a bottle of champagne.
“The meeting was a damn success man. Wanna have a drink to celebrate?”

He poured the drink into two glasses and handed one to Dominic. They clinked them with a ‘cheers’ but before Jonathan could drink it, he received a call.
“What is it?”
“Something in the VIP section, I can handle it.”

Jonathan left in a hurry while Dominic relaxed a bit, taking off his suit button but didn’t remove his suit. After taking a one shot of the champagne, he poured out a refill.
After two more glasses, he sensed something off about the drink. The smell was weird and the taste had changed, strangely he did not realise it before.

Immediately standing up was a bad idea, he began to feel a sense of grogginess and loss of focus. The drink was spiked but the security system would have warned about an intruder.

His decision to leave was interrupted by a sharp pain in his head and cold sweat breaking out on his back. He was having a horrible replay of one of his most feared memories.
“Ah! No no no …I am not therI am not the-“ he murmured.

The pang of fear overtook his balance making him lean to the table, his breaths became heavy. There were footsteps and in a moment, there were four men in the room. The most bulky one of the four snickered and pushed Dominic to the floor.

“Hello Mr.Dominic, Victor Lansky sends his regards.”
In his excruciating pain, Dominic understood the situation. The loss of the security system left him with only one option.
“Jo- Jonathan….” he called as loudly as possible.

The men laughed at his misery and mocked him.
Jonathaaaaaan one of them cried out in a shrill tone while the others continued laughing.
“Stop it..” the bulky man said crouching beside Dominic.
“Mr. Dominic needs his friend. Why don’t we call him?...Mr. Jonathan, your boss calls for you”

They all turn their attention to the doorway to see Jonathan smiling with a gun in hand. Dominic was hit by another gush of memories that he never wished to see again and once it cleared, he stared blankly at his now ex friend with half open eyes.

His emotionless face showed that he didn’t care about his friend’s actions, as though he had expected a possibility of getting betrayed. Jonathan came close to him and leaned down to his face.

“Don’t worry Dom, I would never tell anyone about the abuse you faced in your childhood. Do you see yourself locked in your closet perhaps?” he whispered.

Dominic leant onto the wall to a more comfortable position, smiling slightly but his face cringed with the pain. Jonathan straightened up smirking.

“What we gave you is a powerful fear toxin. It will make you relive your worst memories and fears. It makes me wonder, what is it you see? The great Dominic who everyone fears, The high and mighty…now lies on the floor pathetically. Sad” he fake pouted.

“Why..” Dominic breathed out in a half conscious state.
“Why!? You dare ask that question!?” he yelled.
“You think you are the king and dictate around. Who the fuck do you think you are!? You could have made millions with mere nods, yet you order everyone around uselessly. You don’t deserve this position.”

Dominic listened to his banter and scoffed in contempt. Jonathan snatched his jacket and raised his fist to punch Dominic but stopped.
“You little shit, you won’t lower your head even now?” he whispered furiously.
“We don’t have time” said one of the men. Jonathan calmed down on his words and pulled his creased suit back.

“Oh yes, wouldn’t want to injure your pretty face. After all, we have a different plan for you and…don’t bother screaming for help. Thanks to your soundproof walls and also, Mathew is too busy downstairs.”
“Is Mathew in this too?” Dominic asked with difficulty. Jonathan returned a scornful look.

“He is next on the hitlist because of being a dumb loyal dog to you, Dominic. Since you are pitiful, he will have to die too. We don’t want the dog sniffing to his master’s traitor and bearing his teeth now don’t we? That is why you have a very special death awaiting you. Oh and if you are wondering about your security system, don't bother. Mathew's groundfloor system control is still up and running. Only this floor's control is down. So nobody is coming to your rescue.”

Dominic felt satisfaction on choosing atleast one loyal person to his side. He did not fear death for he knew, his life was uncertain and filled with risks.
“Ah, you atleast have the brains to acknowledge yourself as a traitor.”
“Shut the fuck up. Drag him away.”

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