Chapter-17 Recuperation

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Mathew watched the twins sprint through the gates and understanding that it's a lost cause, he walked towards the commotion caused by the searching operation for Dominic.

The flashing message, 'Security system reactivated' caught his eye. As he stood bewildered holding the security system device, the will papers fluttered on the ground. He took a quick look through it after collecting them and upon seeing the contents, his face darkened.

"Sir, there is no one in the office room." one of the men from the search party informed.
"Shit, where is Dominic then..."

Just then, two men arrived supporting the injured Jonathan, who was unconscious.
"Sir, Mr. Jonathan fell down the stairs and his hand was shot. Do we take him to the company's infirmary?"

"No, just wrap his wound and lock him up." Mathew replied coldly giving a long glare at his slumped figure.

"There are four other men in the washroom. Three of them are dead while one of them is still alive."
"Perform first aid to keep him alive and lock him as well with Jonathan, clear the other bodies and hasten the search. We need to find Dominic. And keep everything as quiet as possible until Dominic's command."
"Yes sir."

While the men scrambled, Mathew crushed the papers infuriated at his carelessness. Something struck him and he turned towards the balcony where the twins stood. He entered the visitor's room and found Dominic lying exhausted on the couch.

"Took you long enough" Dominic mumbled.

The loud yelling and rest of the sounds dimmed out for him as Dominic relaxed. Mathew propped Dominic up with the help of another one of the men and they rushed him to the private hospital of the knight corp. An army of doctors attended to him while Dominic kept repeating the two words.

"Fear toxin"

All kinds of tests were performed along with a blood test. The toxin was attempted to be washed out but the process was taking time so an IV drip was added to give some comfort and energy to Dominic. After studying the results of the blood tests, the antidote was prepped after hours, and injected into his hand. Almost half the night gone, Dominic finally fell asleep after the toxin was neutralised. The doctors confirmed to Mathew that there were no other injuries to which he sighed in relief.


Diana drove us both back to the safehouse where Nate was waiting for us. My back was killing me so I slouched into the cushion while Diana handed the USBs to him for analysis and hoped that the details of the deals were in one of them.

Nate found them in the USB Dominic had given to Diana. It was a gold coated USB separating itself from the rest of the devices. It kind of bugged me that he handed it over so easily, why.

"I will check through the deals and let you know tomorrow on who the deal is going to be with. Until then, have a good rest and recuperate for your hard work today. You both did well."

Nate rarely complimented our work so it felt uncanny. Diana looked at me concerned, as I was feeling the fatigue from the pain. Despite years of training, that man managed to inflict such an injury as far enough to bruise the back of my shoulder.

"Derek, I will drive now as well." she said helping me up but I let go feeling upset about her recklessness.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Got smashed into the wall by one of those guys."

Nate frowned a bit and sent an accusing glance at Diana. It felt awful for me to look at Diana's downcast guilty face but she needed to understand the consequences of her actions, especially when it comes to a fight where lives are at stake.

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