Chapter-23 They Know

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Diana was listening to the call as well so we wasted no time in setting off the alarm.
"All units, this is not a drill. Evacuate immediately! There's a bomb in the station, I repeat there's a bomb in the station."
Evacuations are usually utter disasters but we had our training to not panic and moved swiftly yet, not pushing or cramming into each other. However, we don't know when the bomb is going to explode so we needed to get as far as we can quickly, before contacting the bomb squad.

Most of us were close to the entrance but one of the officers on the front tripped over something like a wire below. A long beep brought out our worst nightmare. It was a trigger.
We had an open parking lot in the front of the station so everyone raced for cover. But Diana and I were quite behind with a few more. The first feel of the blast was the immense heat radiating off the core. Then came the worst part, the wave.

The shockwave from the blast caused sudden increase in pressure knocking us behind a few feet away. The last thing I remember was a dark shadow looming over me before I was completely knocked out. A few minutes later, I was regaining consciousness. There was a distant sound of the alarms from car sensors and the smell of smoke was hitting my senses. The fire rising from the building was visible through my blurry vision and the wet sensation from my ears made me cringe. It was blood. Wait, where is Diana?

There was something suffocating me but it didn't feel like debris. After blinking a few more times, it got clearer. Diana was lying unconsciously on my chest. Her right shoulder and upper back part of her uniform was burnt. A huge part of her skin was covered in red and sore from blisters due to the fire. I cursed under my breath. She had shielded me from the fire while we were fleeing.

"D! D!!" I cried out.
There was no sign of her waking up.
"Call the ambulance!!"
"On it's way, Captain." someone responded from the crowd.
There were volunteers from outside coming in to help us. I carried Diana towards the cars.
"Carry and place them into the cars, we have burn victims so we need to get them off the sunlight. Nobody goes near the station."
"Yes sir!"

Soon, there were ambulances and fire engines as emergency response. While keeping an eye on Diana, I instructed the team to coordinate and resolve. Once Diana was lifted on a stretcher into an ambulance, the others were supportive and ready to handle everything in my absence so I climbed in as well. Diana was being given first aid while her burn was distressing me beyond belief. The ambulance came to a halt but it was too soon. We had not arrived at the hospital. I pointed the gun without hesitation at the nurse.
"Where the fuck are we? what do you want!?"

She was not fazed at the gun aimed at her head but glanced at the door instead. The door opened from the outside revealing an agitated Nate.
"Oh man..." he placed his hand on his head at the sight of Diana.
Gabriel with her usual stone face came into view and my teeth gritted in anger.
"We are taking you both to safety, let's go. Melissa is waiting for us."
"If there's any danger to us that would be you, Gabriel." I said scoffing.

The ambulance came to halt at one of our rarely used safehouses. Home was no longer an option. Dr. Melissa was ready with bed and equipments already and began the procedure immediately. Diana's shoulder was completely wrapped in bandage after antibiotic creams were applied. My ear was cleaned up as well and drops were prescribed. The IV drip was added to avoid infections but she was still not awake. I wanted to see her open her eyes, even if it was for a few seconds.
"I think it's good that she is not I gave her sedatives as well, Mr.Derek. The more she sleeps, the more she can escape the pain and heal faster. It was a second degree burn over quite a large area but don't worry." she explained kindly.
"Thanks Doc."

Leaving behind a nurse for redressing, the doctor returned to the SIO after agreeing to come in for regular checkups. Gabriel strutted to me and gave a sheet of paper. It was a notice about the advancement of the date of the hearing. It was preponed to tomorrow.
"What the fuck, Gabriel. Do something about this. Don't you see Diana's state!?"
"Language. Remember who you're talking to, Derek. I cannot take any more risks, you need to present as witness asap. This was necessary. I am sorry about what happened."
"You can take your apology and shove it up your ass Gabriel."
She squared up to me glaring but I faced her equally, not withdrawing. She deserved every bit of that, her shit plan brought this on Diana and I am not backing off.

"Be ready tomorrow." she growled.
Nate stayed behind but Gabriel did not protest. We both took a seat beside the bed.
"How did you find about the bomb?"
"The Terranova called the SIO, claimed that there was a bomb in their captain's cell."
"We deduced that you two might be in danger as well. The same was reported from your station cameras. That was how we got to warn you."
"I see. So, now...they know."


The Terranova received confirmation from the SIO that Damian had been moved to a more secure cell. They had also gotten the information about the witness in their brother's case. Eric sent for Asher.
"Yes brother?"
"Asher, the hearing has been preponed to tomorrow."
"But you and father are going out of Watford on an official business now?"
"Yes, that is why I need you to take up the job of bringing back Damian."
"And call Leia if you need backup. She will be taking over duties here, in my place. We will return by the time the court hearing falls in our favour."

Asher meets his bodyguard Emmett on the way to regroup with his men. He hands a file.
"What is this?"
"The witness details."
"Police captain Derek. Saw Damian in the feud by the clocktower."
He hands a picture taken from afar but the person could be recognised using it.
"Lets go. We need the men to identify the route so that we can set up the ambush."

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