65. woman like me 🪙

Start from the beginning

Only twelve hours later when i still hadn't heard from anyone, i didn't think she was.

While Stefan distracted the security and Gio was flirting with the nurse, i made my way on to the main floor.

I walk around, looking in the rooms, trying to find Keilani.

I see feds and cops and stop.

Hamada's eyes fall on me and he excuses himself. He walks over, "You can't be here-"

"Where is Keilani?"

His nostrils flare.

"Kairi." I look at him, raising my voice, "Where the fuck is Keilani?"

He grabs my neck, pushing me into the store room. "You can't be here."

"Why the fuck not? She's my fucking fiancée."

"She's gone, Ciro. Someone took her while they were prepping her for surgery. You're damn lucky that doctor treated her before and knew to call me, we can follow the tracker-"

I take a step back, my heart racing.

He has her.

"We'll find her-"

I walk out of the store room, wiping my cheeks as i walk out of the floor. "Stefan, track her bracelet." I walk out of the building and head toward my car.

I sit in the front, turning on my phone and looking at the red dot travelling east of here.

Kairi walks to my door, "There's feds following her already, Ciro. You interfere and he's going to run, we won't get him-"

"I don't interfere and she's going to get hurt again. She can't handle another assault." I shout, "She doesn't deserve that shit!"

"I know that." He take the keys out of the car, "I know. I won't let anything happen to her, there's four agents following the car, someone has a tracker on you and they're following your moves. You need to stay here. If they see you following, they're going to run and we won't have any leverage. Stay here."

"On me?"

"Why do you think there's hardly any attacks when you're with Keilani? Why they only happen when she's alone? Because someone is watching you." He says calmly, "I have some of the best men out there, i won't let anything happen to her, okay? Just find out where there's a tracker." he closes the door over.

Stefan looks down at my hands immediately.

There's four things i never take off.

My two rings, the capo one and my engagement one.

My watch.

My earrings.

I take off my rings, looking around them but they looked completely fine. I take out my earrings and do the same, they were fine. I take off my watch, Stefan inspects it, between the chains, the inside.

"Found it." He points.

I only take it off when i'm showering, which means someone was quick enough in and out of my house to put a damn tracker near the watches battery.

I usually take quick showers unless i'm with Keilani, and when i'm with Keilani, we usually end up fucking.

My phone rings and Junipers name pops up, "I'm at the hospital, Ciro. Where is my daughter?"

"He took her. The feds are here." I get out of the car, "Where are you?"

"At the front of the building."

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