We May Fall

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"We May die this day but Our legend Will live on, Our Weapons May be dry but our Blades Still thirst, Charge For the Emperor and We shall be Remembered In the Halls of Hero's!


(Ironwoods Office, Before the Heresy)

We see Maxer Enter In Alongside The Ace ops and Team RWBY.

Maxer: General.

Ironwood turns around ominously with his left arm now gone. Maxer Starts to feel Very Uneasy and Keeps his Right hand On his plasma pistol attached to his hip.

Ironwood: We have made a critical error.

He then puts a Queen on the desk.

Ironwood: The Queen Was the symbol Salem showed us before The attack on Vale and Beacon. Her way of telling us she was inside, That it was too late. We stopped Watts but someone was here.

Maxer: That doesn't make sense, Callows Was killed During our march to haven and Cinder and her Group was Killed During the Battle of Haven, Who Else does Salem have?

Ironwood: It doesn't matter who was here what matters is that they put this in my office too tell me that- What if mantle was just a distraction? What if it was just to draw us away from the academy to, to-

Maxer: Ironwood! Get a hold of yourself! We now hold mantle and We have the imperial Fist-

Ironwood: How do we know that wasn't part of their plan? How do we know they didn't want us to bring people into atlas by the thousands?

Vine: In trying to save everyone, We left ourselves most Vulnerable.

Ironwood: Salem has been one step ahead of us this entire time!

Ironwood Smash his fist on his desk as the queen rolls off. Yang then notices the Color of the Queen.

Yang: Is it me or does the color of the Piece remind me of Neo?

Maxer: Who the Hell is Neo?

Blake: A Partner to Torchwick, I guess She was apart of Salems group. We never did really know what happened to her.

Ironwood: She's here then We wouldn't know who she is, But what if there's more people working with Salem?

Maxer: All Others we're all Killed in multiple Engagements leaving Neo as the only surviving Member of Salems Group. But that does not matter, We stand With you, The imperium Stands with you.

Ironwood: How Do I know your with me?

Maxer then takes a step back And slowly grabs his Plasma pistol.

Vine: Sir?

Ironwood then walks around the desk next to the hand Bag.

Ironwood: How did Sevatar Know about the Global Communications Project?

The Ace ops then Looks towards team RWBY but Maxer stands up.

Maxer: He probably Got into atlas and Found Files related to it, Night lords are Crafty Mother fuckers and Sevatar though loyal to the emperor is still a Night lord.

Harriet: And you let this slide?

Maxer: I didn't Know Sevatar Was even On Remnant, He Probably did This way back when We Just Got to atlas or earlier, But he's loyal.

Weiss: Does this matter?! He's on our Side!

Ironwood: Loyalty Always Matters!

Then the Bag Bursts open and Out comes a Seer. Everyone steps back Aside from Maxer who Approaches the Creature Drawing A combat knife from Behind his Power sword. The Seer the raise up and out comes the voice of Salem.

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