His Angels

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"Pods, Hundreds of Pods, Falling from the Sky, The Screeching roars of them Entering the Atmosphere, They Were the Emperors Angels, To us They were our doom"



We See our Crusaders Continue marching Through the Marsh's of Mistral as They Hear Artillery Fire and Las Fire far away.

Jaune: What is That Noise?

Maxer: Artillery and Las Fire, The Death Korps of Krieg Main Base is Set up in Mistral, It's Most likely Clean Up Crews Hunting Grimm.

Pyrrha: Shouldn't We Help them?

Jophiel: No we should not, The Guardsmen Have their Mission and We have ours.

Nora: But they Could Help us?

Ruby: Kriegsman Have Their Orders from Their General, General Lichtenberger. They are to Keep The sectors they hold in mistral.

Qrow: Imperials Have Weird Names, But it they also love to Keep to them selves.

Jaune: How much farther are we going have to walk?

Ren: Without the map there's no way of Knowing.

Petrit: I blame Someone for Ditching it(glares at jaune)

Jaune: In my defense, There was a Sicko going after Ruby.

Zoriah: But i Feel like We are Close to something.

Steel: me and My Brothers when We Got here had Encountered Barely Any Grimm, Maybe we are walking into a nest?

Empanus: If that is the Case then the clearing of said Nest would Be Provided by the terminators.

They Confirmed Walking until they get to a Split In the path. Ren and Maxer look both ways.

Ruby: What is it?

Ren then Runs Up to the sign at the Divergence.

Maxer: Something's Wrong.

Nora then runs up to the Sign.

Nora: hey hey! Mistral, We're on the Right path.

Camos: thank the Emperor.

Nora then turns back to the Sign with a more saddened Look.

Nora: Oh

Jophiel: Does it say how close we are? I'm starting to Get bored of walking.

Ren: No, and it looks Like the path Takes is through the mountains.

Maxellathus: Well then I see that as our only option.

Jaune: I don't think All of us Will make it up the mountain.

Ruby then Walks up to the sign and points at one of the other places.

Ruby: what About that place, Kuroyuri? Can we get help there?

Ren: that village was destroyed Years ago.

Maxer: But if it takes us around the mountain then it's probably our best option.

Ren: It will take too long.


Ruby: Well maybe there's Something Useful there?

Steel: If there is Anything still there.

Ren: We're Not Going to Find Anything! We just have to press on.

Maxer: There's something more at work here.

Ren: What?

Maxer: There is something at that Village, And it's something that only you know, and Considering the fact you don't want us there means something.

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