The Next Step

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"We Stand Here, We Shall Wait, We shall Win"

-Maxer During The Atlas War.


We See Ruby's Group Walking in As Leo greets them.

Leo: Ah You came Now let's get bus-why do you all have your Weapons?

Qrow: Well I think You know where this is Going leo.

A Shot Rings Out Aiming At Ruby's head but she just Grabs the Bullet. She then Turns to Where The shot came from and sees Cinders and Her Goons. Ruby Eyes then begin to Light up like beacon as she Pulls out her sword.

Cinder: Nice work Leonardo, I wish we-

Leo: Sorry cinder but I think You've been played as well.

As he Said That Multiple Doors Sprung open and out sprinted Alpha Legionnaires.

Empanus: Heretics!

Empanus Brings his pistol to aim at one of the legionnaires Heads but is Brought Down By Ruby.

Ruby: There on our side.


They then all full auto onto Cinders Group. Cinder Manages to Dodges the Rain of Bolters rounds as Her Group is Blown apart from the Hail of Fire. Cinder Melts The Door of the Vault Quickly and Heads Down the Elevator.

Ruby: She runs once again, Ill Foll-(Then Hears Tons of Weapon Fire) Everyone Else Reinforce the Marines!

Everyone Runs Out as Ruby heads down to Deal With Cinder. As they Get Out they see The  marines Taking cover as The terminators Open Fire Onto The White Fang.

Weiss: What's Going!

Jophiel: A Massive Army of White Fang is Attacking Led By Adam.

A Charge of White Fang Grunts Equipped With Melee weapons And Shields. They Engage Into Melee with the Terminators as the Black Templars Then Charge into Melee As the Blood Ravens Provide Cover Support. Camos Saws Through A white fang Grunts with his Chainfist as His Assault Cannon unloads Onto Ranged White Fang. Turail Uses His Shield and Hammer to Smash Through White Fang grunts leaving Nothing but a bloody pulp. Petrit Fires his Storm Bolter as He Holds the Banner of The Blood Angels High. Amenzo Unleash's Hell With his Heavy Flamer onto the White Fang Burning Through them. Maxer Smash's His Crozius Into the head of the One of the Grunts as He Slices through another one. Jophiel and Maxellathus Charges In, Slicing and mashing Through the Grunts. Zoriah and Steel Stands Back to Back as they Fire there Bolt pistol at The White Fang As They Smash or Slice through any Getting Close. We then See Chronis Approaching Adam as he Walks Forward with his Body guards.

Adam: You Humans Have Met your End, You're surrounded and Out Numbered, Surrender Now and your Deaths shall be Quick.

Chronis: We Shall Never Yield to you mutants! PREPARE TO MEET MY BLADE!

Adam: Good Choice.

Chronis And Adam Charge at eachother. There blades Clash as They Masterfully Clash again and again not one gaining the Upper hand. Chronis Finally Gets the upper hand as he Sweeps the leg And as Adam Falls Chronis slices Down. Cutting his Body in half. He then raises Adams Upper half to show the White Fang.



The White Fang starts To roll Out Heavier Weaponry and Brings in A Few Surviving Paladins from Beacon. A Paladin Charges At Turail, He Blocks a punch from the paladin with his storm Shield and Slammed Down his Thunder Hammer Knocking the Paladin off its Feet from the force. As The Paladin Tries to stand Up it's met by Jophiel Slamming down into its Cockpit. Camos Reloads his Assault Cannon and starts to open Fire Onto the Paladin Ripping through their Light armor. A Heavily Modified Paladin Then Bursts One of the Surrounding Building but Has It's about To Engage The Marines it's Suddenly Struck down from a missile Barrage. The marines Look Up and sees the Hoard of Thunder hawks and Valkyries along with the Angels Regret(the Blood Angels Battle Barge) The Thunder Hawks Doors Open up as Marines from both the Black Templars and Blood Angels Jump out equipped with Assault Weaponry. A thunder Hawk then Swoops Down and Drops off The Land Raider Crusade. The Door Opens and Team BESH come Charging Out With their Weapons High as The Hurricane Bolters on the sides Unleash hell onto the White Fang.

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