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-Sly Marbo.


We See Team JNPR, Qrow, Ruby along with Maxer And Steel walking towards the main building of Haven.

Maxer: I would have thought it would have been more......Impressive.

Steel: A little Disappointing but we haven't seen the inside.

Qrow: stop insulting the Construction. Dick wads.

We See Ruby standing in the middle of The Plaza Before Swinking herself to fit inside the entrance to haven.

Jaune: it's still weird how she can just do that.

Pyrrha: Well I guess it is Necessary.

Maxer then looks around and scans The Surrounding area.

Maxer: Something's Wrong.

Qrow: yeah something is.

They All walk through the Entrance of the haven as the look around.

Ruby: Hello? Hello!

Nora: maybe try louder?

Ren: It doesn't seem like There's anyone here.

Maxer: I have Scanned for additional Heat Signatures and so far, We're Alone.

Jaune: Well I guess school really isn't in session so maybe that explains it?

Qrow: No this Can't be Right.

He then Runs off as the Group follows them, he then Gets to a Door and Pulls out Harbinger.

Qrow: Get ready, there Could be trouble.

Everyone then Pulls out their Weapons as Steel Pulls out a Flash Bang.

Steel: Let's give 'em a surprise.

Maxer: No don't that can backfire.

Qrow then Kicks Open the door to reveal Leonardo as Maxer and Steel Immediately have their Bolt Pistols aimed at his head.

Everyone then Screams Minus Steel And Maxer, Qrow Falls do to losing is balance and Leonardo Faints.

Steel: What a Weenie

(In Another Universe)

We See a Pink Colored Trooper sneeze.

???: I think Someone just said what I said to Doyle.


Donut: Coming Sarge!

(Back to the RWBY Universe)

Ruby: Uh Professor Lion heart?

Maxer: well that's a Dark Angel Name Right there.

Leonardo gets Back up after Coughing a bit.

Leo: Qrow.. For Crying out loud you Nearly scared me half to death!

Qrow then stands back up.

Qrow: me? Why weren't waiting for us at the Entrance?

Leo:(takes out watch and checks it) Oh right
Apologies, I guess time slept away from me.

Maxer: That's Very Convincing.

Qrow: Your Joking?

Everyone then puts there Weapons away.

Nora: Where is everybody?

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