Cadian Cookout

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"The Cadians are Surprisingly cheerful lads, That's if You don't Insult Cadia"

-Ironwood after Meeting General Sturn.

(Near the Waters of Menagerie)

We see Blake In her New Outfit Looking upon the Water, She starts to hear Some Sizzling from the Front of the ship, She heads on over to see some 412th Kasrkin Grilling.

We see Blake In her New Outfit Looking upon the Water, She starts to hear Some Sizzling from the Front of the ship, She heads on over to see some 412th Kasrkin Grilling

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She heads over to them as The Cook which has her helmet off and Hell gun over her shoulder.

???: Hey Kitten looking to get some Grilling?

Blake: Wait what? I'm not a-

???: You don't have to hide, We aren't like the Death Korps or Templars. Heck I think some of us back at base are Felinids.

Blake: o-okay then.

Blake then takes off her bow as she Joins The Guardsmen.

Blake: So why are you guys heading towards Menagerie?

One of the Kasrkin turns to her with his helmet on.

???: oi, Your one of the members Of Team RWBY aren't yah?

Blake: uh how do you know that?

???: Well I heard from Some Blood Angels that A cat Faunus fought Side by side with the Sanguiness.

Blake: Sanguiness? Do you mean Ruby?

???: Yeah Her, Why didn't you stick with them? Heard that a Group of Templars and Blood angels along the Sanguiness where heading towards Haven.

???2: Why not just take a thunder Hawk? Easier then walking.

???3: Well see Shirley there's multiple Villages in mistral and they could Spread Good word about the imperium.

Blake: so anyways back to my question, why are you guys heading towards menagerie?

???4: well we heard that It had some Nice Beaches and Our Squad hasn't had a break for along time.

Blake: well Humans aren't really Welcomed To menagerie.

???5: Eh I can understand it but hey we aren't a bunch of Psychopaths .

The First Kasrkin Then starts to hand out plates of Fish and Steak to the individual Kasrkin and gives one of the fish to Blake.

???: here yah go Kitty.

Blake: thanks.

As the Kasrkins start tell story's to each other we see a Commissar Walk out one of the Cabins.

???6: Ah Blake, Nice to see yah again.

Blake turns and Sees Browl now without his Gas mask.

Blake: Browl?

Browl: in the Flesh, now what did Katie Cook up?

Shirley: Just some Grox and Fish.

Katie: eh thats all that command gave us but it works.

Browl: well then Toss me a plate and let's see if this compares to sturns Cooking.

???: when the hell did sturn cook?

???2: Well Ryan he kinda of leads a Regiment but when he does cook he makes some amazing shit.

Blake: so Browl Why aren't you with the Kriegsman?

Browl: Just got rotated Out, They have some more Commissars that are better for kriegsman. So why are you heading back to menagerie?

Blake: Eh Just Heading back to some Family.

Katie: Well anyways I'm gonna Hit the deck.

Ryan: why? It's still pretty Early.

Katie: Well Before We got here I had to Fill out a bunch of Requisition Forms. That took out most of my sleep and then I had to get here on the Valkyrie and then Wait for you and t-

Ryan: Alright I get it, Just be ready just incase.

Blake:(thoughts) I wonder What Yang is doing?

(Patch, Near the Cliffs)

We see Yang Visiting the Statue For Summer and Ruby.

Yang: Still Does Amaze me how much has Changed. I wish things Were Like Before Beacon.(Sees Thunder Hawks Fly over the Horizon as slowly the Blood Angels ship lowers it self) Wow. That's a big ship. Ugh why did Maxer Have to come? Why Couldn't he have Been somewhere else? That Blasted Imperium and there God Emperor have Corrupted Mom and Ruby. But they did defend beacon and Stood With us. God why did Aliens that are just humans have to be so complex?

She walks away has We See Thunder Hawks Docking In the ship.

(Time Skip)

We See the place Where the Cadians were now cleaned up as we see Blake now looking off into the Sunset.

Blake: Well those cadians are probably the nicest imperials and they do make Good Food.

She then hears a roar from the other side of the ship.

Blake: what the?

She Runs over to the Noise as The Kasrkins wake up and head on over as well. They then see a massive Grimm. The Kasrkin Draw Their Weapons and Open Fire.

Browl: Ryan! Send A load of plasma Into that things Head!

Ryan: Copy!

Ryan then sends in an a overcharged Shot directly into the grimms head, it explodes and Hurts the Grimm but does not Kill it. Two of the Kasrkins with Meltas Start to burn At it's Wings. Blake Then Jumps Up to some of the Rocks near the Grimm and starts to Cut on its Wings. As the Wings of the Grimm start Fall a part Katie Brings out a Grenade Launcher and starts to Hurl Grenades into it. The Grimm starts to fall down as One of the Kasrkins roll out a las cannon and Blasts it's head off.


Blake then lands back onto the ship and sees the Cadians Celebrating. She decides to join in and After a Couple hours of Celebration they get to the shores of menagerie.

Speaker: We are Now approaching Menagerie!

Blake then looks at the Shores of Menagerie and instead of Seeing the Huts and Bridges she sees Ruins and Destroyed Bridges With Decaying Bodies around.

Blake: Oh no.

(End Scene)

We See Massive Underground Complex and As We Enter through a Massive Door we See 950 Blood Angels armed and Ready. These are the Angels from the Sin of Damnation.

(Short Chapter but It was mostly Just Setting up for a different Scenario, There Will be no Blake Chapters after This Because It Would Ruin a Surprise)

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