Angels of Death

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"We Are the Sons of the Sanguiness! We Are The Emperors Warriors! We Are the Angels of Death!"



We See the Angels Regret Flying over the City of Mantle and Atlas Easily Out Classing any of the Atlas Warships. As the Camera Zooms into the Ship we change to Zoriah Praying At a alter of Sanguinius.

Zoriah:(Prayer) Father Give me the strength to Endure this world. I Know that with our with mother she now cleanses us of Rage but I still have this Rage still flowing through me, Father Give me Guidance to complete this mission.

The Door of the Chapel Opens to Reveal a Tactical Marine Sergeant Equipped with A MarkII Helmet.

???: Chaplain Zoriah, The squad is ready for Our meeting with Ironwood.

Zoriah Turns to the Sergeant.

Zoriah: Brother Samiel, Is Everything accounted for?

Samiel: Well yes, We have the War gear required for this mission.

Zoriah: Well then head back to your Squad, I'll be there shortly.

Samiel: Of Course Chaplain.

Samiel Exits the Room As the Chaplain Finishes up his prayers.

(Atlas Landing Pads)

We See A blood Angels Thunder Hawk Landing onto the Pad, As it lands the Door opens and exits the Blood Angels. Out Comes First is Zoriah and Samiel, the Next are the four Tactical Marines. The First One Wearing a MarkVI helmet and Carrying a Heavy Bolter, The second one Proudly Wearing A Knighly helmet(Seriously What's the name of that helmet? We see Space marines wearing it but Never give its name) he Carries A Bolter and Power sword as he Bears the Mark of the Death watch. The Third Carriers a Flamers as He bears the MarkVII helmet with a Blood Drop on the Forehead. The Last Carriers A Bolter Equipped with a Bayonet and a Scope With a MarkIV helmet. Their Names are Armar, Berro, Dumatis, and Anatun.

As the Marines Walk out onto the Pad they see Atlas Soldiers looking in awe at the Astarte's whilst some look in horror, The legends of the Astarte's have already taken Root in Remnant, The stories of the Black Templars Ruthless slaughtering to The Angels Heroism and Morals, Whilst the Blood Angels appreciate the Status does not Change the Fact That they are the Emperors Angels of Death. As they Get closer To the Door of the Academy it opens to Reveal Winter.

Winter: You are the soldiers of The Blood Angels I'm taking.

Her Voice Clearly in Question whilst not asking a Direct Question, The Name did Boggle some Minds of Remnant, Whilst the Templars Make sense considering their Religious Zealotism the Angels Name did Quite Confuse some but wasn't Enough of importance to ask.

Zoriah: Yes We are, I am Chaplain Zoriah(Gestures to The Tactical marine Squad) and This is Squad Samiel.

Winter: Follow me.

Winter Gesture to The Angels as they start Walking Through the Halls of the Academy, The Halls Echoing the Sounds of their Ceremite Boots whilst the Jingles of some of the Holy marks or Gear ring out. They Get to The Briefing Room To see The Everyone on the op, Gathered there along With clover being the Ace op that wasn't Completely Fucked over.

Zoriah: So what's the Mission?

Clover then turns to Zoriah as he then turns to the Planning Table as The Blood Angels Gather around.

Clover: Alright Gather Around, Your guys mission is to secure the launch site for the Amity Communications tower, the designated area is an abandoned dust mine, After its Closure the Grimm have moved in, Good News is that all that untouched dust is still down there too, Science team says they need it for the first step of there launch.

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