Data Breach

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In June 2020,  Wattpad suffered a huge data breach that exposed almost 270 million records of sensitive user data. The data was sold by the hackers and then published on a public hacking forum where it was shared to many people, who would then use that for their own personal reasons and maybe sometimes even pass it along.  

The incident exposed extremely personal information including names and usernames, email and IP addresses, genders, birth dates and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. Bcrypt hashes are essentially bits of random letters and symbols that the program/website puts in the system as your information along with what you type. This is done through a process called "password hashing"(shocking, I know) and is something you may have seen in the URLs of some of your site profiles.

I'll use the following example with a generator ( ).


Normal: desmondthemoonbear2

Password hashed: $2a$12$S2sU57sdoatyfGn/Zc.AVOKQ.pN8DIkrPZRVPvW/uR0yQ18l7ARVG


"But why not find the letters instead?" 

Again, it's not that easy. Hackers must find the preimage first, they are not able to see your data, only the hashes. Bcrypt is not the only way to store these, but some sites get data breaches often because they don't have at least one of the many methods to hash passwords.

If you think you might be a victim of something, check to see, it might be better to check in case you don't know. In my case, someone used MY email to sign up for OrderSnapp, something that had a massive databreach. I was double hacked.

Full list of compromised data:

- Bios

- Dates of birth

- Email addresses 

- Genders

- Geographic locations

- IP addresses

- Names

- Passwords

- Social media profiles

- User website URLs

- Usernames

If you or someone you know is on here, change your password immediately as I've highlighted the urgent ones. This happened two years ago, though some people don't know.

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