There's no way I can get those nails out without subjecting her through another series of pain.

"Listen, it's alright, I've been through a similar ordeal before..." She averted her gaze to the unconscious man on the floor as moisture formed in her eyes.

"No! I can't! I can't leave you here, Adira. W-what of your son? Sebas-" I trailed off, a lump sliding down my throat.

'S-she knew also.'

"I'm sorry, Aurora. He's not my son." She stuttered.

I peered at her with disbelief as rage boiled up within me.

"I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry for deceiving you, I had no other option."

"To think I trusted you..." my throat tightened as I choked on my words. "... I still won't leave you here, we'll sort this out after we get out of this shit." I bit down on my lower lips suppressing the urge to scream, to jerk out those nails clamped on her fingers... to hurt her.

No. Stop it. You're not like that, Aurora. I don't deserve to be lied to. I don't deserve to be treated like a fucking piece of shit. Don't, Aurora, don't make it turn you into a psychopath like him. You're better than him.

As if she felt the mental turmoil within me, she spoke, brittle and low, "You don't need to hold it back. Your eyes are shimmering red, if hurting me eases your anger, then do so."

I curled my lips and demanded, "What do you mean, you had no other option than to freaking lie to my face?!" I peered at her with anger looming in my eyes.

"S-she threatened me with my daughter; Amira and my husband; Davis. I couldn't have let them all die because of Alora's mistake?"

Husband? I thought he's dea- oh, it was all a lie also. Wait... Amira... why do we all have similar names? Aurora, Alora, Adira, and Amira? Could it be coincidental...

"Who threatened you?"

"I don't know, she always wore a mask to conceal her identity."

"What did she make you do?"

"S-she told me to find out the location of my sister through you."


"Alora's my elder sister..."

I scoffed as tears built up in my eyes. "Ha! So you'd rather watch a psychopath kill your sister and her daughter to save yours? I-I trusted you, Adira... I fucking trusted you. Is it a sin to care, to trust, to show your freaking empathy towards someone?! I thought you understood me... I thought you cared too..." I lowered my gaze to the dark stained graveled floor as I rose on my feet.

"I still care, Aurora." She strained her voice almost in a breathless whisper.

"Then why did you fucking deceive me! You could have come clean from the start and we could've figured out a way to get through this shit together." My voice came out high-pitched, and the same burning sensation wriggled through my chest.

"We were all under surveillance. I had no other choice than to comply. I would do anything to keep my little girl safe. I'm sorry, she's all I got, she's just a fragile little girl who doesn't deserve any of this... please, just leave now." Silent tears fell from her silver eyes, a sob escaping from her chapped lips.

"For fuck sake, I was also a little girl who got thrown in all this mess, you think I wanted any of it? If you think sending me away would redeem you of your actions, then you're wrong."

"I'm not trying to redeem myself, Aurora. I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago. Do me a favour and say hi to my sister... help me find my daughter and husband... please, I know I'm wrong to ask this from you but please I beg you, Aurora, don't let my little Amira go through the same pain we both went through... please." She pleaded, her eyes glistening with tears as her head slumped to the side.

Panic crept into my consciousness. Adira. I looked at her hand and realized she's been bleeding out for quite a while, she lost a lot of blood and passed out.

I promise to keep your daughter safe, Adira. Even at the expense of my life. She would not go through what I went through. Never!

Giggles erupted from behind as I swirled around and there she was... the damn psychopath. I couldn't get a clear view of who she was behind the dark mask swathed across her nose and mouth, revealing only her eyes.

But then... Why is S-shane by her side?

A spike of fear clawed at my throat as confusion shattered into panic, chaos billowing like smoke through the night.

"That was such an emotional show you put up there, Aurora. Bravo, I'm impressed. Don't you think so, Shane?" She stretched forth her right hand as Shane took a hold of it and planted a kiss on it. "Yes, my lady." His husky voice penetrated through the air as a peal of laughter slipped out of my lips.

As if lying to me wasn't enough, he's been in on this all this while, assisting the psychopath behind our backs whilst pretending to care.

"Surprise! I bet you're shocked, aren't you? Why not watch a quick show to ease up the tension between you two. Bring her." She ordered.

He yanked her by the hair and led her in front of me.

"N-no! Please... Ruby!" I quaked, dread twisting in my guts.

"H-help." She shook with a fear so visceral that it leaked into my being.

Her knee collided harshly with the ground as Shane stood beside her, one hand tugging at her hair and the other on the sheath of his blade.

"I hope you like our parting gift. Shane, whenever you're ready." The corner of her lips curled up into a smirk.

He unsheathed his blade from its crimson holster. With a raise of his arm above the head, the sword was brought down forcefully into her neck. Resulting in her head splattering on the floor. The blood leaking out resembled a sea of dark crimson liquid similar to his sheath.

Her body fell to the smirched ground, the warmth of life stolen away by death's cold embrace. Synced with her impact on the sully-coated ground was the lament that rolled out of my lips as I promptly sprinted to her, ignoring the fatigue in my swaying legs.

"RUBY!" I gathered her body into my arms and sobbed into it, smearing my face with the dark, sticky liquid oozing out of her disjointed head.

"I will kill you, Shane! I swear I would!" I cried out as I realized the awful serenity in the atmosphere, I peered up and they were gone and so was Adira.

The bulb suspending above the ceiling flickered and instantly went off. The room was bleak, cold, and completely dark. It was quiet and sombre, I felt a chill as the darkness engulfed me. It was not merely the darkness that came out of the absence of light, it was much more sinister.

The pitch black atmosphere was impenetrable, I stayed rooted to the spot, trying to stretch my eyes as wide as possible but I could barely make out a feeble outline of some distant object. The musty stench of coppery blood wafted through my nostrils, piercing through the foggy veil of darkness.

The darkness and tranquility pressed into my ears and I drew out a chilling scream that seemed to warm my lungs with an inhuman warmth in the overwhelming darkness.

Just that moment, the body in my arms twitched...


Another cliffhanger XD

Sorry I just can't help it!

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