1. Because she likes you :(

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Monday, the first day of the week with the sun beaming brightly but there's nothing more brighter than seeing a tall girl wearing her favorite black jacket leaning in the wall and busily invested to her phone "Ice" someone calling out and I watch ...

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Monday, the first day of the week with the sun beaming brightly but there's nothing more brighter than seeing a tall girl wearing her favorite black jacket leaning in the wall and busily invested to her phone "Ice" someone calling out and I watch her diverting the attention to the approaching group.

"I can't believe that Ice was clueless. Girl you're too obvious. Of why there's always this one best friend silently falling in love to her best friend?" Veronica stating which gained a glare from me.

"Shut up Vero" apparently it is true.

My attention went back to Ice with her friends coming over. Everyone likes Ice even though she's colder than ice.

Yet, I will never get tired of staring to Ice face, to her eyes and to the way she smiles brightly. Ice is so perfectly fine, she's tall, smart, very attractive and very talented but above all? She's my best friend but she's straight and I've been loving her secretly from afar—it is a torture if you ask me.

We've been friends way back first year high school and up to now, to our last year of college—well technically, I'm graduating and she isn't because her field is medical. The thing is, this last semester is the day that I never wish to happen because after graduation? The reality will hit us hard, we might be busy with our own paths.

"What if you confess Summer?" I looked back to Veronica in lazy stares "what? It's our last semester? It's either you do it or you'll regret forever"

I sighed, diverting back my attention to Ice talking to her friends. "She's straight and I don't want to lose her...." I returned to Veronica and can't help this sad smile "and I'm okay loving her from here....besides, you know how I'm helping her to get notice by Jaden" who happened to be Veronica's cousin.

"Oh Summy" she pouted at me but we're both interrupted when my phone chimed in.

Ice 💙: where are u? My last class was done and im at the parking lot, same spot.

I look up to Veronica when she inhaled deeply "I can't unsee you torturing yourself everyday Summer"

"Last semester and I will completely get myself busy and forget her somehow" I say while standing up and getting my bag.

Veronica stood up as we walk towards Ice direction and waving my hand to her.

"Hi Summer" her friends say but locking my eyes to hers.

"Let's go" Ice said then unlocks her car.

"I—um. Jaden and I have to study because we're partner up" her steady gaze stayed at me which made me realize that of course she might misunderstood us when I'm completely aware that she likes Jaden "don't worry, it's just for laboratory" I explained a little bit in panic tone.

Her nonchalant expression slowly vanish "No, it's fine Summer. Do you want me to drop you off the location?"

I look over Veronica when she chimed in "Can you also dropped me off since we both have the same apartment?" Ice nodded and watched Veronica hopping inside the car before Ice returned her eyes on me.

"Actually, I brought a car today? And no worries, the location is at my house"

"Just the two of you?" Ice is good at giving no emotion, as if her name suits her personality. She's cold, nonchalant and unreadable that sometimes I don't know what to do or how to react.

"Yeah. But um, I'm totally assuring you that we're just lab partners and I don't like Jaden at all not even a bit" Because I'm completely and utterly gay Ice if you haven't noticed.

—-well, I never admit it anyways and the only person I opened about it is Veronica who's watching the both of us.

"Please don't misunderstand Ice....Jaden is totally yours" I added convincingly and now making her expression relax.

"Just update me Summy"

Jaden came just in time "Summy!" He calls out and stopping next to me.

Jaden and Ice are both popular in terms of looks and talents. They are the perfect powerful couple and the only thing left, is them having it official.

"Hi Ice" Jaden greeted.

Looking at them feels like there's a needle that keeps on piercing my heart. Of how I'm watching my best friend staring to Jaden looking so in love.

"Jaden" Ice calls back and how I'm hating to see them exchanging that look "See you later Summer" I just nodded then watching Ice getting inside her car.

I drove us to my place to do our project. Jaden and I are in culinary course and one of the task is to innovate fusion dishes and since I live alone, we decided to have it here than in his house, I'm just an awkward girl who's not fond of people.

"....so?" Jaden eyes were on me, waiting for my comment in his experimented dish "is it good?"

I squinted my eyes just to annoy him but eventually smiled "Jaden is Jadening" his smile is so bright as he does that little dance of bragging while I giggle of how pathetic he looks like right now.

He is one of the top student in our batch, so, what to expect right? This project will be effortless.

But then I remember, "So uhm....are you already liking someone?"

He stop then stares back in confusing brows "what's with the random?"

I shrug then get another bite of his Mediterranean-European fusion cuisine.

He wear off his apron then sit on one of the stool "To answer your question? Yes, you Summer..do you also like someone?"

"Uhmm...me? Oh uhm...no" We stayed staring to each other for a seconds before he convincingly nodded then get to taste his dish "and what do you think about Ice?"

He brings up his eyes on me again "Ice? You mean Miss Ice Princess?" I nodded and watching him thinking about it. To be honest, if my heart could jump out from my chest, it would, that's how nervous I'am.

"We've been partner up many times and no doubt, she is really beautiful and cold. But I guess, there's always a person who'll make her ice melts—"

I cut him off by asking "Do you think you can like her?"

This caught him off guard, now looking way more confused than before "wait Summy, what's this about?" He asked between smiles.

"Because she likes you" :( it hurts but I'm smiling, of why I have to be their bridge? Do I really enjoy torturing myself?

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