Chapter 29 - Heroes VS Villains Pt.3

Start from the beginning

Kaminari and Sero had made it to the third floor, where Deku awaited them in the middle room. He waited in the corner of the ceiling, using the darkness to obscure his position. As they entered the room, he threw out a smoke grenade, the first of the exercise. It exploded out silently, engulfing the room and its inhabitants with a deep fog. As Sero taped up the entrance to prevent escape, Kaminari kept his eyes and ears open, carefully checking everywhere for a glimpse of his opponent.

A black flash.

A rush of wind.

The sound of feet hitting the floor right behind him.

Kaminari turned, unleashing 750,000 volts of energy. It left him woozy, discharging all of that electricity, but the thud of a body hitting the floor made it all worth it. He grinned, proud that he had managed to defeat their teacher in combat, only to be met with a roundhouse kick from behind. He slumped over, unconscious, as Deku stood over him, his outfit slightly charred from using Sero as a human shield. Electricity isn't perfect, it goes wherever it wants to and if it wants to travel from one person to another, it's sure as hell gonna do it. The smoke clearing, Aizawa called Deku to once more be the winner.

"Both Kaminari and Sero have pretty standard quirks," Deku told Aizawa as the students were wheeled off to the Healing Ward. "One has extreme power with extreme drawbacks and the other has very little power and a large area of effect, but their compatability is what made them dangerous. Their quirks had really good synergy together, so them teaming up was the worst thing that could have happened."

"You still beat them though," Aizawa said, looking over at Deku, intrigued by his words.

"Well, yes, but that matchup could have defeated me," Deku admitted. "If I had been hit by Kaminari's electricity at full force, I don't think I would have been able to continue."

"But couldn't you ignore the pain like you always do?"

"Yes but try fighting when your arms are having a stroke every five seconds."

"Begin!" All Might yelled into the mic, marking the start of the next match. Mineta and Tokoyami entered the building, Mineta quietly cowering behind Tokoyami's unwavering figure. As they progressed into the building, Deku monitored their location and, more importantly, the condition of Dark Shadow. It would undoubtedly be crucial in who would be the victor of this bout.

Mineta and Tokoyami made it to the fifth and final floor. Mineta had been copying Sero's strategy and had been placing his balls on every wall, floor and surface they went past. Tokoyami remained pleasantly calm, however the small beads of sweat on his skin indicated that controlling Dark Shadow was no easy task. They made their way through the hallways, Mineta blocking of the path backward until finally... they reached the final hallway.

Deku was nowhere to be found.

Understandably they were confused. Where was he? He couldn't have gone back, surely. But then where could he be? As they talked amongst each other, Tokoyami's concentration slipped, his mind exhausted. And this was all it took.

Dark Shadow burst out from Tokoyami's cloak, bellowing a mighty roar as it emerged. Tokoyami tried to regain control, but to no avail. The building had very bad lighting, so the only reason he hadn't gotten out before is because Tokoyami had been keeping the gate shut. Now that Dark Shadow was out, there was no way for it to be reeled back in. Steadily growing in size, Dark Shadow went on a rampage, bursting through walls and destroying the building that contained it. Eventually, it busted a hole in the ceiling, letting the light pour in from above. Dark Shadow screeched, the sunlight weakening it's presence until it lay on the floor, weak from the beams of sunlight destroying its wonderful darkness. Tokoyami lay on the floor exhausted, leaving only Mineta to deal with. 

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