"My name is Rosen Auld. What's yours, cutie?"

I laughed. "Emil Robertson. It's really nice to meet you, and thanks for helping me."

Rosen smirked and responded, "I bet it was nice, and you're welcome. Hey, since you're Dr. Charleston's boy, how long will you be in the city?"

"Um, we arrived yesterday evening, so I think we will be staying until tomorrow morning." I replied, and Rosen grinned.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-two. Why?"

Rosen's jaw dropped and he exclaimed, "You're older than my brother!"

I smiled shyly. "I guess so. Why did you wanna know?"

He laughed and ruffled my hair, which made me pout a bit. Rosen smiled again. "I was going to invite you and your daddy to my workplace where I'm a dancer. It's a one-of-a-kind experience."

"A dancer?"

"A pole-dancer." he explained, and my cheeks turned red.

"I-I'll let Daddy know then. How can I contact you?"

Rosen held up his phone and I realized I didn't have any paper on me. When I told Rosen that, he looked puzzled.

"Why don't you have a phone?"

"Mama and Papa took it away 'cause I was a bad boy for liking Tigre." I whimpered, quickly going back into my little-space.

Rosen looked shocked. "Tigre?"

"Uh-huh, he was in my class and he gave me a tiger plushie before he left. Mama and Papa ripped up the plushie and kept me inside for a long time."

Rosen looked a bit relieved but then had gotten considerably more concerned while I talked. After I began to tear up, Rosen gave me a hug, so I was able to calm down a bit.

"I'm sorry. My mother wasn't too wonderful either. My papa, though, was my lifeline." he said softly.

I rubbed my cheek on his own as a form of comfort. "I'm sorry, Rose. And thank you for calming me down."

He chuckled as he stepped back. "You fluidly switch back and forth, don't you? I keep mine trapped behind a wall the majority of the time. I'm only a little around my daddy. I was surprised to hear you say his name, but I realized that the Tigre from your past is not my Tigre."

I nodded with a small smile as I replied, "I understand. And I switch so much because my parents kept me in little-space for the majority of the four years I was confined in the house. Daddy came over, thanks to my sister, and rescued me after my dad exploded in rage because I stepped outside onto the front porch."

Rosen's gaze softened and he played with my red curls, quietly marveling at my blond highlights. "It's good that he saved you."


The restroom door opened and an even taller male came through the doorway. He was much bulkier in terms of muscle definition than Rosen, but he looked a bit similar.

"Rosen, your papa's waiting for you. What's taking—?" He paused when he saw Rosen and I together. "Who's this?"

Rosen grinned. "Indie, this is Emil Robertson, my new little friend." he explained, so I blushed with a happy smile. "And Emil, this is Indigo Loft, my brother."

Indigo towered over me like Denver, but he was definitely shorter. I wasn't really intimidated, so I smiled at him and held out my hand. Indigo stared at it for a moment, then took my smaller hand and gently shook it. I giggled with a happy grin, which made him chuckle.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now