“I know I didn’t react well when you told me about Darcy and I regret that, but I won’t ever say those things to you ever again. Please believe me when I say I’m over the moon excited about this baby. We are going to have the perfect family and life together.” I smiled before kissing her lips again. Before Allie could say anything the song ended and Louis told everyone to find their seats for dinner.

“Let’s go find out seats wife.” I winked at Allie. She blushed slightly, but then rolled her eyes at me. Once we found our seats we looked at the menu to find what we wanted to eat.

Allie’s POV

It was such a relief when Harry was happy about me being pregnant again. I wasn’t really sure how he was going to react, which is why I told him at the reception. He couldn’t react the way he did when I told him about being pregnant with Darcy in front of our family and friends. They all would kill him. So I was thankful he was happy about it. I wasn’t sure how I felt about having an 8 month old and pregnant with another baby, but i think with Harry I can handle it. I just hope he isn’t on tour ALL year I will need his help.

“Here is your meal.” The waiter said as he placed my chicken dinner in front of me.

“Thank you.” I smiled.


We have spent the last 2 hours dancing like crazy with our family and friends. We just finished cutting the cake and thanks to Harry I have spent the last 5 minutes getting cake off of my face. Yes I smashed cake into his face as soon as he smashed some in my face. Everyone laughed at us! Now Aubrey and Louis were getting ready to make their speeches. I was so nervous as to what they were going to say.

“Okay I’m going first.” Louis cheered. He already had a few drinks in him so this ought to be interesting.

“I feel like I should apologize to you now. Who knows what will come out of his mouth.” Harry whispered into my ear. His hot breath sent chills down my spin.

“Okay! So Harry and I have known each other for quite some time now. We have been best friends since the moment we met, and only got closer over the years. You are not only my best friend, but also my little brother. You introduced me to the love of my life and I always wanted to repay you for that. Plus we were all sick of you dating cougar’s. (Everyone laughed, while Harry and I rolled our eyes) So I was incredibly happy when you met Allie. From the second I met Allie I knew you two would be perfect for each other. You balance each other so well, so when Harry finally asked you to marry him I was ecstatic. I’m so happy for the both of you, so I want to officially welcome you Allie into the One Direction family. Even though I have always thought of as another little sister it’s now official, but let’s face it I don’t really need any more little sisters. But for you I will make an acceptation, but just this once.” Louis laughed.  

“Thank you so much Louis. I feel so honored.” I laughed.

“You should. Okay Aubrey you are up.” Louis said handing the microphone over to my little sister.

“Louis I feel the same way. I’m gaining ANOTHER older brother.” Aubrey giggled.

“LOVE YOU TOO SIS!”  Jake yelled sarcastically at her, which caused everyone to laugh.

“Anyway….. Allie you have always been my big sister, but over the last few years you became my best friend. You are always there for me no matter what, and I don’t know if I can ever truly thank you for that. . I’m so happy that you found your soul mate (Harry grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly) Harry you have made my sister so happy and you help give me a beautiful niece. So for that I have to thank you enough. I wish you all the best and a long and happy marriage. To Allie and Harry.” Aubrey said raising her glass for a toast. We all raised our glasses and clicked them together with the person closest to us.

It All Started With A Tattoo Book 2 (2'nd book of Harry Styles FanFic Series)Where stories live. Discover now