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around 1.5 months later

"Gabi, come on now, please help us bring a box or two in,"

"My stomach hurts,"

"Then do we need to go to the doctors?"


"Then carry a box please, just a small one,"

"I hate you,"

"That is uncalled for,"

I watched as she stormed into the house, Sierra looking at me with wide eyes.

If was moving day.
Gabi was very unhappy about it.

"If you're not helping then you can go with Ash for the day!"


"Why not?"

"He'll be mad at me!"

"Then help,"


I got it.
We got the keys pretty quick, set to work painting all the walls the next couple of weekends, then ordered and sold furniture for the next couple all while packing up.

She'd practically moved in with Maddox, and even gone on a small trip with their family while Sierra and I got alone time at home and went to work. We spent Christmas at my parents house, and then it was back to house preparation.

For all of us it had been a good month and a half really, but that was cut short this week, when Gabi had woken up one day in a foul mood about moving, and not changed since.

It was a bit confusing, for it came out of nowhere after weeks of smiles and feeling like a somewhat functional family, but Sierra and I were toughing it out and letting her process it.

Patience was wearing thin, but we were doing our best.

There was a honk from outside, so we went out to find Cal pulled up, who had very kindly come out of his way to help us shift boxes round in the house. I'd really enjoyed seeing my friends, and having a couple of weeks off with them to explore nature and catch up with drinks and late nights since we didn't have a shift the next day.

Summer had been really good to me.


"No good?" he asked.


"Ah. Well I for one cannot get over how nice this house is,"

He gave Sierra a side hug, then followed us into the house and stood looking at everything with his hands on his hips.

This had been tough for Sierra, we had all seen. Under all the happiness, and the cute dates, she was having just as hard a time as Gabi was at adjusting to a family. I appreciated everyone looking out for her.

"I say we build Gabi's bed for her, give her some place to stay out the way, then work on your bed and the kitchen,"

"Sounds like a plan,"

"This is gorgeous, it's going to look great,"

"I hope," Sierra mumbled, "It's nice to get to paint, and decorate myself,"


He took the lead upstairs and we followed, finding Gabi sat in the corner of her room on her phone, quickly swiping away tears when she saw us.


"Morning sunshine,"

"Fuck off,"

"We're gonna build your bed for you,"

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