"If he even looks at you funny punch him straight in the throat." I giggle at his reaction and press a kiss to his cheek before making my any upstairs to change.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?" The young girl at the counter greeted me with a small smile. Her chocolate brown hair was cut just below her shoulders and her eyes were the colour of rich honeycomb.

"A Masai iced americano please, take away." I smiled back at the girl that looked to be in high school and paid for the drink, leaving a tip behind for her and moved to the side to wait for my drink.

"Jiwoo!" A male with blonde hair called from the door as he walked in with a two other men, a male with ashy brunette hair and another with long bleach blonde hair.

The girl at the counter gave a slight eye roll but also let her lips tug up. "What do you want, Seungcheol?"

"What? Can't I come see my gorgeous girlfriend at work?" My own lips smiled at their cute interaction, he looked at her with so much love and admiration. I stopped eavesdropping on their conversation once my name was called from the other counter.

"Well you look like shit." Taeyong's voice rang out from behind as I turned around, almost bumping right into him, sly smirk on his face. "Who's the lucky guy that looks worse?"

"It's about to be you if you keep running your mouth." I brush past him and leave the store, Taeyong hot on my heels.

"In all seriousness, are you alright?" I stopped in my tracks and gave him a hard stare. Who are you and what have you done with Taeyong?

"Stop acting all nice and caring, it doesn't suit you." I turned on my heal to keep walking.

"Do you always have to be such an ass when people are trying to be nice to you." The anger in his tone filtered through the air and hit me in the face. Turning around once again I looked him dead in the eyes that searched my own.

"Being nice only left me heartbroken and scarred. That little girl inside me is screaming to be let out and trust you but your boss and your friend broke her. I'm not letting her or myself get hurt anymore, so cut the crap." Before he could respond I moved to find his car that was parked a little bit down the block.

The Lee Estate always filled my stomach with acid and nausea, the gardeners where tending to the Azaleas and Daffodils as we were pulling up to the front door. Mark sat on the footsteps, cigarette in between his fingers as he blew out a smoke cloud.

"Mark." I greeted the pink hair boy as I made my way up the steps.

"Chaeyeong," I slightly opened the door before he spoke again. "He's in there."

"He can go to hell." I was not in the mood to be coddled and even mocked by the Lee's of this household, Taeyong sent me into a spiral of hatred and hurt emotions the moment he opened his goddam mouth.

I always looked at Taeyong as an older brother. I scraped my knee and he'd patch it up, he reached the cookies of the top shelf when I was too short myself and he always made sure I was okay. Then Ten happened and our own mistakes turned our once nice relationship into something that made my blood boil.

I've been hurt enough.

Not even bother to take my shoes off, I race up the stairs. Running into his truly as he was leaving Dohwa's office, my shoulder bumped with his as I slide down the marble floors to my mother dark wing of the estate.

Lucas opened the door before I could slam it open, like I do every time I visit. On accident of course. This place puts me in such a horrific mood.

He bowed to me before leaving us in peace and quiet. My mother was laid in her bed, head turned and eyes grazing out the window that gave such a beautiful view that I grew to despise. I slowly make my way to her bedside, sitting on the firm mattress and soaking in every feature.

Her black hair that was sprinkled with grey hairs framed her pale face beautifully, her hazel eyes glazed over like she was here but wasn't at the same time. Her eye never waved from the window unless they were closed, as if she was living the same moment over and over again.

My heart was snapping in two just thinking about her in this state, what I caused, how different life would be for her if that night didn't happen or if I just kept to myself and did what I was told. I grabbed her cold hand in my own, I get my cold hands from you, rubbing small circles with my thumb.

"I miss you." I say just above a whisper, tears threaten to fall almost instantly. When did I become such a cry baby?

"I don't know if you can process anything I'm saying or if you've completely shut down, but; I just want to say I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I put you here, that I created this mess and that you are the way you are because I was too selfish. You always used to braid my hair every night before bed, preventing me from getting knots through the night. You made dad his coffee in the morning which he'd always gave me a tiny sip the moment you turned you back, I think he's the reason for my caffeine addiction." I laughed at the memories of younger me happy, my mind is then clouded by the people that have made present me happy.

"There's this guy," I start looking down at my sparkling ring. "He was an asshole when we first met but the more time we spend together the more his heart of gold is showing. Him and his rag tag group of miscreants have showed me what it's like to feel alive again, that life isn't all pain and sorrow. You and dad would have loved him. I want you to feel that again.

I miss dad more and more everyday, he loved us with every ounce of his heart and more. We were the perfect little family and I'm so sorry I messed everything that night." My tears dropped and soak into the blanket, leaving tiny water marks behind.

Coldness hit my check, opening my eyes I saw my mother's gorgeous hazel ones starting right into my own chocolate ones, the tiny shred of life glinting behind them. I leaned further into her freezing hands and took in the feeling that she was here in this moment with me and I don't know how long that will last.

She opened her mouth as if she going to say something but struggled, "I'll get you some water." I placed her hand back down on the bed gently and ran out the door, shutting it tight behind me.

I came to a halting stop at the top of the stairs, hearing voices filter out through the slight crack of Dohwa office door once again.

"It is time for you first office mission, Siwoo." Dohwa's voice was soft as he spoke to his blood daughter. "It seems you're not very found of Chaeyeong-"

"Fond?" She crackled out a laugh. "I hate her with every fiber in my body." Fucking bitch

"I think it's time we do something about that."

"This is the second time I've caught you eavesdropping today." I immediately spun around and chopped Taeyong in the throat. He coughed as he tried to catch his breath.

"What was that for?" He exclaimed as I roughly pushed him away from Dohwa's office.

"You shouldn't have snuck up on me! It's a natural reaction!"

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