My story had ended, but Denver was still trembling. He inhaled deeply and released a shaky, ragged sigh. "I am so glad you shared that with me, baby. And I am beyond pleased that you are out of that damned house and away from your bastard parents." he said with a growl, his chest vibrating underneath me.

I lifted my head and gently pecked his chin. "Me too, Daddy."

Denver looked into my eyes. "Do you want to meet Tigre again?"

I shrugged. "Not really. I liked him back then, but he's definitely moved on by now. And besides, I have you. Why would I want to search for a boy when I have my manly man of a daddy dominant?" I stated with a broad grin, a giggle slipping out right afterwards.

Denver's cheeks were tinged pink and I noticed his extremely happy expression. "Aww, my little boy is the cutest and sweetest in the whole wide world!" he cooed, cuddling me on his chest and peppering my face with kisses.

I grinned happily, then pressed a few kisses to his face whenever possible. After we calmed down, I rested my head on his chest and heard the steady thumping of his heart. It made me relieved for some reason.

"What would you like to do now, sweetheart?"

I hummed for a moment. "Maybe we can just cuddle for a little while longer if you can?"

Denver hugged my form tighter and nuzzled my head. "Of course I can, baby boy."

His terms of endearment made my heart pound as my entire body heated up. My skin tingled from where he left numerous kisses all over my head and face. I wiggled higher and gently kissed my daddy's collarbones.

"Thank you, Daddy."

His free fingers lightly curled over my nape and his heartbeat briefly quickened underneath my head. "You are very welcome, Emil."

I snuggled in with a happy sigh and relaxed fully on top of him. Since it was such a busy day today, it didn't take much for me to fall asleep.


"Emmy!" squealed Charlie.

I grinned and ran over to her as she shut the door behind herself. "Charlie!"

My big sister's arms wrapped around me and squeezed my smaller form. "I missed you so much, Emmy. How are you?"

I rested my chin on her chest and beamed. "I missed you too, Charlie. And I'm great! Daddy's super awesome. Thank you for bringing him to me, Charlie!"

Charlie hugged me tighter, rocking us back and forth. "Oh, you are so welcome, my little treasure. Were you playing with your toys?"

"Uh-huh. Daddy bought me three new friends. Although one friend is a twin to the one Tigre got me."

Charlie stiffened. "You remembered him, huh?"

I frowned, but didn't ask what she meant. I took her hand and led her to the couch that was facing the TV. It was playing some animal cartoons. Panda was there and so was Okapi.

"Look, Charlie, Terry said this was an okapi. Isn't Okapi so cool?" I asked with a broad grin.

Charlie's dark mood faded in an instant. She giggled and took hold of Okapi, admiring his zebra pants and sleeves. "Yes, Okapi is very cool."

"Hehe, yup!"

"Have you eaten, Emmy?"

I looked back at the clock. "Uh, nope. I became little as soon as I woke up, but my orange juice was tasty!"

Charlie ruffled my hair. "Aw, well, let's get some food into your tummy, Emmy. I'm sure it's very hungry."

I blushed with a happy giggle when my stomach responded through a ferocious growl. Charlie curled down and kissed my cheeks, so I hugged her again with more laughter on my lips. Charlie kissed my head again and moved towards the kitchen, so I turned around and peered over the back of the couch to watch her work her way through Daddy's kitchen.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now