Bio & Lore

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Shinden II headcanon, with the Shinden been shown in the 25 anniversary wallpaper that shows the aircrafts line up.

I decided to give it some lore, prior after the 2014 Free Erusea uprising, Osea and IUN-PKF have a good relationship given of helping maintain peace around Usea alongside of having the Space Elevator built. Osea comes up with the ASF-X Shinden II for the IUN and for themselves to use, which a squadron was formed for it as it became Ridgeback. In 2017 first flight of the Shinden were conducted and at 2019 February it was putted into service.

Alongside that the SU-75 Checkmate was putted into service on the month of May, following after the Cordium attack run done by Maverick.


You probably know that I have Cordium in the strangereal universe happen by the Ulysses crater holes, right?
Well given that Project Wyvern may have not explain how Cordium was obtained I decided to come up how it existed.

With Cordium discovered, on 2018 the IUN collected and utilized them to create Airships. As for Erusea having Cordium at their capital's doorstep the EASA might use the Cordium for a experimental variant of their 5 gen fighter.

Also how would Estovakia use Cordium? I don't know restore their economy maybe, help the IUN by having some of their pilots maintain peace there, because I'm having mods be used for the story. For example The True Canon, and they would probably build more CFA-44s with it and upgrade them with Cordium.

Character Bios

Penn Mitchell, Trigger.
Usean & Osean. Trigger's mother, Penny is a Usean while Maverick is Osean. Since Trigger was born, him and his family lived in Usea but when Ulysses happened, him and his family moved to Osea.

Vermilion 1, unknown name.
affiliation: Former Free Erusea, now part of the Kingdom of Erusea.
Not much is given for this one, for what I can give is that he's leader of Vermillion Squadron, the squad that bears the firebird emblem of the SU-57s.

He has a grudge against Maverick when he found out who stole his F-14 and wanting to avenge his squadron. He'll play a part in the story later on, than just having Crimson as a second adversary for Trigger to fight against.

Crimson 1, Unknown name.
Usean and Osean,
Affiliation: IUN Peacekeeper Force. Similar to Trigger, even though that Crimson 1 would be Osean, his true birth home would be Usea.

A veteran who fought in the Continental war and ever since the IUN was made to replace ISAF, he puts his nation first and once 2014 came. Osea asks him to be Osea's and Usea's poster boy alongside of being the best of the best ace in their sleeve.

I would have put a Bio for Prez but wouldn't, given that you may have already know that if you played Project Wingman and read her bio.
She would be part of a mercenary group to support her family on Osea, which later she'll be captured and sent to a penal base.

Alright the first chapter will bring us to mission 5, 444

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