Chapter 58

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Hi everyone, I made a public post on Patreon where I explained why I have been away and what I plan on that platform for this month. I also announced that I will be active on Twitch once again, the schedule for that will be posted at a later date. Please read it if you have the time.

Otherwise, we're getting back to the regular schedule here.

Love you all.


After you listed off all the reasons why Shinso actually beat Midoriya in this fight, despite the green haired boy being the winner, the class finally moved on.

"What would be your advice for Shinso?" Aizawa asked you again, as he did with every other evaluation.

You looked at the boy, who stared back at you with curious eyes. You could tell that whatever you were going to say; he would take to heart.

"Literally just practice." you smiled at him and you saw he was a bit taken aback.

"You have all the skills in you, and you have already improved a lot since the sports festival, that much is certain. If you keep it up, you will get far."

Shinso nodded, grasping onto the scarf around his neck.

"That said, I can tell you that you did good. Good enough to make it into the hero course." Aizawa stepped next to you.

"This was also your entrance exam."

"I guessed as much." Shinso mumbled, and you and your teacher blinked at him in surprise.

"You knew?"

"Well I've been put together with the hero course, both classes, and I was the only one who went twice. It also just felt that way." the boy shrugged and the way he just said all that made you smile.

"Oh, well..."

"I have to work even harder though. I am thankful for passing but it's not enough. I've seen the hero course and I want to measure up to them. So I'll do my very best to get where they are."

Aizawa nodded, and you swore you saw a parental smirk on his face.


Vlad turned to the two classes, placing his hand on his hips as he talked in a confident manner.

"We will review the results once more, but Shinso will probably join your class from second year. Work hard so you don't lose to him."

"Yes, sir!" you echoed with the others.

Even though you had no quirk of your own right now, something about the competition made you excited too.

I'm spending way too much time with Bakugo. You thought, realizing these thoughts would not have appeared before.

"Y/n! I also want to speak to you." Aizawa called out and you left the others to walk over to your teacher.

"Mr. Aizawa?"

"You did good today. Your comments were pretty spot on, and you were confident in the advice you gave the others as well."

"Thank you sir."

"I know it is a hard time for you right now, but I hope you know, if you decide not to pursue the hero position, quirk or no quirk, there are still jobs like this for you in the field. Maybe you could do something good with it."

"That is very nice of you sir." you didn't tell him you already knew this was the purpose of today.

It was a very kind thing from him to do, try to get your spirits up, but you still felt conflicted about the whole situation. Watching everyone work this hard, and have fun in training made your heart ache to be with them.

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