Chapter 28

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Patreon got another extra chapter with 29, and by the end of the week hopefully they will be ahead with at least 4 chapters, plus the first 3 of Bloodlines.

Here's the link if you want to check it out:

Also my Tik Tok will come back to life as well probably @ladywordd

Thank you for your support as always.


You really wanted to hold Midoriya's hand as you were speaking. But Aizawa was there too and you had no idea what his reaction to it would have been.

So you kept to yourself, answered their questions, trying to tell them as much as possible.

You were attacked by Shigaraki, though you couldn't really call it an attack, but he was never found after Uraraka reported the case. The mall was closed down and searched by police and security and at the end of it, the others were sent home. You and Midoriya on the other hand, were asked to come in for questioning.

You were surprised how much the office actually looked like the ones in those detective TV shows that you and Ryuu loved so much recently. It didn't occupy your mind for long though as you were forced to relive the events of today, the way you were held by Shigaraki and what he said to you.

Midoriya had to tell the same thing, from his perspective, even if the two of them basically matched.

You said next to Midoriya, your chairs inches apart but to you in that moment it felt greater than that. On the opposite side of the desk, Aizawa and Tsukauchi were looking at a few papers in front of them, probably documents they had on the League.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Aizawa glanced at you, his tone tired but you could hear that he cared. He truly was sorry.

You nodded, but you didn't really register his words. Ever since you said your part, you were silent, your eyes staring off into nothing. The things Shigaraki said dig at you too much.

He seemed to recognize you from somewhere, other than the USJ, and that certainly didn't make you feel better. But there was that other thing, about All Might rescuing everyone. He looked so sad when he said that and you were certain you heard disappointment in his voice.

"Could I speak to Y/N alone?" Aizawa's words were for both Midoriya and Tsukautchi.

"Sure." the policeman nodded, his chair squeaking a little as he stood up.

Midoriya nodded too, but he got up slower than the man did. His eyes were searching you, for anything at all, any emotion that could be on your face. But you just seemed...tired.

He let his hand fall to your shoulder before he left the room.

The door clicked shut and now you were alone with Aizawa.

"Y/N." Aizawa's voice was gentle but you could tell there was something he wanted.

"What happened out there?"

You looked up at him, your fingernails digging into your palm. Something felt off about this, about the conversation, about the way Aizawa leaned in. About the knowing look in his eyes.

"I already told you and that policeman." you said, your voice quivering as you spoke.

"But that wasn't all, was it?" he asked, folding his arms in front of his chest.

"I can tell." he added.

"Are you implying that I lied to the police, sir?" your voice gained an edge that you couldn't help.

FracturesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora