Chapter 20

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Your attention drifted from Aizawa to the pattern that the rain was painting on the windows. It was as if the sky itself mourned school starting back up again.

In the few days after the festival you were staying in your bed, until the very last of the blackness on your skin disappeared and lifting a glass wasn't straining your muscles anymore. It was weird, a new kind of soreness, but it went away relatively quickly so you didn't complain.

You and Ryuu changed as well. He was doting but he was letting you be when you needed to. He insisted on taking you to the doctor though, so you sat there like a good child with a parent while they explained what you already knew; using only one side of your quirk was dangerous and it could have serious consequences if you continue to do so. After the visit, you rested some more and Ryuu became calmer as well.

He even let the others visit you, which surprised you. Not the part where Ryuu let them in, but the one that your classmates came to see how you were and brought well wishes. Denki, Kirishima, Sero and Bakugo all came together, the latter grumbling about how useless this is and that you were fine, but he still pushed you back into the pillows when you tried to get up for tea, mumbling something about you being an idiot and that Ryuu should be a big brother and get it.

Midoriya came as well, bringing you a book that you talked about before because you mentioned in a message that you were bored at home. He stayed until the evening, when he insisted that he really needed to go home for dinner, and talked to you about everything and nothing in his usual sweet manner.

Even Todoroki came, which was the most surprising, a small, but elegant bouquet of flowers in his hand. He came to say sorry and thank you, and he even stayed to chat for a bit before leaving with the promise of seeing you in class. You stared at Ryuu questioningly after the boy departed from your apartment, but he just shrugged and went to make dinner.

That was days ago, now school was back again, with the mundane classes and the tiring training. Your eyes trailed a raindrop as it glided down the glass, musing how the rain just made this place gray rather than anything else. When it rained in Yokohama, the water blurred the lights of the city together, which sort of made it seem like colors were floating in the sky. It was beautiful.

You sighed and turned back to your teacher, who was joined by Midnight today. You were already past choosing hero names, well except for Bakugo, who only came up with ridiculous ones. You were quite happy with yours, despite the fact that it wasn't actually you that came up with it.

Midoriya suggested it when he came over one day, sitting at the edge of your bed, flipping through a magazine that he brought over, explaining what each hero on the pages did.

"You know a lot about these people." you mused, looking over his shoulder to get a better view of the picture on the bottom.

"I like to analyze heroes, in case it comes in handy in the future." he turned the page, showing you a full page photo of Hawks in action, his red feathers flying everywhere as he saved a bunch of people from a falling building.

"Hawks is a pretty cool name." you added and Midoriya nodded.

"We will have to choose our names soon actually." he turned to you, but his eyes widened in realization that this was something All Might told only him.

"Really? How do you know?" you blinked at him, and he scrambled for a quick but believable explanation.

"Well, we need them for the internships. They will treat us as proper heroes there, and that means calling us hero names."

"That makes sense." you said and he sighed out of relief.

"So have you thought about yours?" you asked, pulling your knees up to your chest and hugging them close. You looked so at peace in your room, Midoriya wondered if this is how you always were at home.

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