Chapter 52

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Patreon has up to 54 at the moment, will have 55 up by tonight as well.


You were looking out the window when you heard your teacher say.

"We're going to have a school festival."

You glanced at Aizawa, who was burying himself in his sleeping bag. He didn't look excited for the thing at all.

Not like your class.

Some of them even jumped up from their seats at the news.

"Finally, some normal high school event!" you heard Sero exclaim, and you smiled at their excitement.

With everything that has been going on, sometimes it was hard to remember this was an actual high school.

Not everybody seemed thrilled at the idea though.

"Mr. Aizawa is it really okay to do something like this during these times?" Kirishima was also up from his seat.

You understood where he was coming from, he was one of the most injured people after the Hassaikai incident. Villains have been bolder lately; the number of crimes rose as the symbol's absence bore on Japan.

Endeavor, who was the new number one hero, still seemed to fail at fulfilling that role.

"You're right, Kirishima." Aizawa answered. "But that is exactly the reason we are organizing it. UA isn't just about the hero course. The sports festival was where you guys could shine. But the school festival is usually for the support, general and business classes."

His explanation was reasonable, the school wanted them to have a good time too, especially since their lives changed because of the hero course.

"But we are taking safety precautions. The festival this year will only be for the school. We are also having police and heroes on patrol at all times."

Aizawa slouched into the corner in his usual way.

"All classes have to contribute though, so decide what you will do."

Immediately, chatter filled the room as ideas flew about. Everyone seemed to want something different.

Iida and Yaoyorozu walked up front to take over the discussion as class representatives, but it didn't seem to help.

You felt a pen nudge your shoulder and you turned around.

"What's your idea?" Midoriya whispered with a smile.

You could see he already wrote something on his paper, though you couldn't read it upside down. You shrugged.

"I've never been to a school festival before so..."

After the truth about your dad was out, you and Ryuu told the class everything about your lives that they wanted to know. That included the fact that you weren't going to normal schools before, you only got home-schooled, so this experience was pretty new to you.

"Mamoru took us to one once, but we only saw part of it. I have no idea what you're supposed to do in these."

You saw Midoriya sit back in his chair, thinking.

"That's true. Well, just try thinking of something you would want to see, like a play, or some games you would like to try."

In the end, you left your paper blank, saying you would decide from the options that you liked the most, but since everyone wanted to do something different, you couldn't choose.

"That was a waste of time." Aizawa stood up at the end of the class, dragging himself over to the door.

"Decide by tonight, or I will make it a live lecture."

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