Chapter 18

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As you emerged from the shade of the stairs, the sun hit your face and for the first time today, you felt it. The way the warmth caressed your skin, how the rays played on the different surfaces. You felt it all and it made you smile.

You and Ryuu walked down to the others, this time right to where they were sitting, and you took the place next to Bakugo; he was back from his fight with a victory. Now he was staring down at the next one with concentration, as Shoto and Iida were going at each other, both wanting to win.

That did not stop him from stealing a glance in your direction the moment he felt your presence next to him. You seemed okay now, a small smile playing on your lips and your eyes were clear. All in all you were you again and for some reason he was glad.

You must have noticed he was looking because your eyes met his, and the smile on your face widened ever so slightly.

"Are you back Princess?" an eyebrow shot up in question as well.

You debated pretending you didn't know what he was talking about but then you remembered how he was sitting next to you when nobody else was. He knew all along.

So you just nodded instead and he smirked.

"Good. That means I have a chance of beating your ass later."

You mirrored his expression.

"In your dreams."

Bakugo wanted to retaliate but Kirishima cut him off as he leaned forward a bit to see you better.

"I wish we could have fought." he gave you a toothy grin.

Bakugo laughed.

"Hah, you didn't stand a chance."

You smiled at Kirishima, ignoring the blonde's remark.

"I'm sure there will be a next time."

You turned back to the match, your focus returning to the boys below. You watched as Todoroki sent another ice blast towards Iida, watching as his frustration appeared on his face. He always had a scowl, a sort of an uncaring one that made him harder to approach, but this one on his face now was deeper, more defined by anger.

You sighed as you watched his victory, as the half and half boy stood to look at the cameras. There was no pride or happiness in his eyes. Only anger and despair.

Ryuu stood up from next to you, he was facing Tokoyami next. His face was serious, but now lacking the doom that was sitting in his expression in the morning. It was just concentration that furrowed his brows.

He turned to you, his features softening and he held out his fist in your direction. You met his eyes, a silent exchange, and then bumped your fist to his. It said all that you needed to.

You watched as he made his way out onto the field, meeting Tokoyami. Their fight started, both of them on the offensive. They were going all out, but it was obvious Ryuu had the disadvantage against Tokoyami's Dark Shadow.

Suddenly, there was a familiar warmth next to you. Before you could turn, the boy spoke up, his voice warm as always. Midoriya.

"He's going to have to work really hard to evade Dark Shadow."

You looked at him, taking in his form that was covered in bandages, one of his arms up in a sling. His jacket was thrown over his shoulders, to give him at least some sort of coverage.

"Midoriya, you're back! Are you okay?"

He looked better, but all you saw was the broken fingers and the way he slumped into your arms when he passed out. You averted your eyes, the nose of your shoes suddenly became much more interesting than anything else.

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