Chapter 50

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You guys have no idea how happy every single one of you makes me. I literally cried today because I got a patron. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every comment, share, like or just reading. You mean the world to me. Thank you so much for being here.


Panic was the first thing that flooded through you when you woke up.

The last thing you remembered was a dim corridor, but where you were right now was nothing of the sort.

The too crisp sheets scrunched up as you frantically moved around, taking your surroundings in.

There was nothing left of the half destroyed corridor that was painted red by Mirio's and your blood. There was no muffled rumble of anyone fighting. There was no little girl trembling as she walked in front of you.

Instead, what welcomed you was silence.

As if it was after a storm, when the world becomes calm and the sun comes out.

But you couldn't feel it.

You knew the rays of it fell onto your skin, caressing your bandaged arm, but you couldn't feel it.

Memories of the morning came back to you then, the fight, the pain, the gunshot.

Your quirk was gone.

"Y/n!" the door opened and you heard a thud as whatever Midoriya was holding fell to the ground.

He shouted for a nurse then ran to your side, his hands cupping your face as he looked you over.

"How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" his eyes welled with tears as he looked at you, but you could feel his relief as well.

"What happened? Where is Eri?" you pushed out the words, but they were barely audible, your voice still too weak from the previous events and medication.

"We won. Eri's safe. She has a fever, and she's quarantined, but the doctors said she should be fine soon."

"What about the others?"

His expression changed, sadness overwhelming his features.

"They're fine. But Nighteye...he...didn't make it." a few tears fell from his eyes, landing on your pillow.

You didn't know what to say, just stared at him wide eyed.

You remembered seeing your mentor getting impaled before you left the room. You remembered the sound of his scream.

In all honesty, at the beginning, you didn't like Nighteye. He only took Izuku on because he wanted to convince him just how unworthy of One for All he was. He made sure you knew he wasn't particularly pleased with having to take you on, that he felt like he was babysitting. That you were only there because the mission required you to be.

You didn't agree with his approach on saving Eri either.

And yet, as the week passed, you noticed little things. Him correcting your technique, or telling you off but at the same time, doing it in a way that gives you advice and pointers on what to do. You could also tell he cared for Mirio. Probably more than anything in the world.

He was a good man.

He didn't deserve to die.

Before you could say anything, ask what happened, the nurse stumbled in, immediately taking over and checking your vitals.

Izuku shuffled over to the side, to give you some space, but he didn't dare to leave.

He almost lost you that day.

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