Chapter 34

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Bakugo Katsuki had fucking enough.

He was tired and hungry and whatever bounds they put his hands in cut into his skin. He was sitting in a bar that stank, with people that did just the same.

And on top of all of that, he had to worry about you.

You were sitting on a chair next to his, a few feet away, but your hand wasn't bound the same way. Because you were asleep. Your head hung low, your body only keeping upright because your arms were tied behind your back. When you arrived at whatever this place was, they gave you some sort of drug to get you to stay still. Said you would be important later.

But the truth was that at that moment, Bakugo envied you. Because you didn't have to listen to all this bullshit Shigaraki was saying.

The villain was standing in front of him, one hand on his face as a mask, but Bakugo could see the manic look in his eyes. He could see the lack of emotion too. Because whatever he was saying, he was just saying it.

Not as if he believed it.

Bakugo remembered seeing a video about Stain, the one that Denki was talking about in class. The villain standing in the street, you not far from him after he let go of you. The way his eyes burned with his hatred, with his anger, with his belief.

There was conviction in that. There was power.

In Shigaraki, there was nothing. It was all words, but nothing to really back it up.

The villains around them didn't seem to care. They were all there, the ones from the field, but Bakugo could tell that there was supposed to be more; there were ones who couldn't make it back. He could see it in their eyes.

It didn't seem to shake them as they stood in silence, like guard dogs waiting for their master's order.

And Shigaraki just kept on speaking.

"I'll ask you one more time. Will you join us?"

Bakugo's frown deepened. This whole situation was getting more annoying by the minute.

He expected a lot of things when they said they were after him, but trying to convert him to join the League was not one of them.

"Look at the news. The heroes are just getting criticized." Shigaraki pointed at the small TV that was mounted on the wall, that has been switching between different news channels, all talking about the same thing.

"Why do you think that is? It was their job to protect, but they failed. So what? Nobody's perfect, are they?" Shigaraki's voice churned the words like they were a joke. Like the heroes were a joke.

"Society holds heroes in too high of regard."

"If a hero receives compensation, they aren't a hero anymore. That is what Stain believed." the lizard guy who was leaning on the wall interjected.

Bakugo couldn't care less.

"You know it is interesting, naming people heroes." Shigaraki went on, stepping slightly closer to the boy.

The white haired man waved his arms in the air, as if he was hosting some sort of show.

"There are many ways to protect people. The police, vigilantes and yet, none of them is held as high as a hero is. And sometimes, even villains can try to protect people. I'm sure Y/N over there could tell you more about that."

Bakugo's head snapped towards you at that. You were still asleep, your breathing shallow. Hair fell in your face, and he could see the injuries on your back were serious. But he didn't care about that now. He was trying to figure out what Shigaraki was saying. And then, it dawned on him.

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